Genus: Apricosiren EVANS & McGOWAN, 2002
Etymology: Laitn, apricus, "sunny," in reference to Sunnydown Farm where where the first microvertebrate horizon yielding amphibians was recovered, and siren, a salamander.

Species: ensomi EVANS & McGOWAN, 2002
Etymology: In honor of Paul Ensom for his knowledge of Early Cretaceous microvertebrates.

Holotype: DORCM GS61

Locality: Sunnydown Farm Quarry near Langton Matravers, NGR SY 9822 7880, Swanage, Dorset County, England, southern United Kingdom.

Horizon: Cherty Freshwater Member, Lulworth Formation, Purbeck Limestone Group.


Age: Early Cretaceous.

Material: Atlas centrum.

Referred material:

DORCM GS62, 68-71: Atlantes.

DORCM GS63-64, 72: Dentary fragments.

DORCM GS65-67: Trunk vertebrae.

?DORCM GS78: Anterior caudal vertebrae.

200 catalouged and uncatalogued: Jaws, vertebrae and rare limb elements.