Genus: Bakonybatrachus SZENTESI & VENCZEL, 2012
Etymology: In reference to the Balcony Mountains in Hungary, where the Iharkut vertebrate locality is located, and Greek, batrachos, "frog."

Species: fedori SZENTESI & VENCZEL, 2012
Etymology: In honor of Laszlo Fedor, classmate and friend of the first author.

Holotype: MTM V2010.283.1

Locality: Iharkut, Bakony Mountains, western Hungary.

Horizon: Csehbanya Formation, Gosau Group.


Age: Early Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: Incomplete right ilium.

Referred material:

MTM V 2009.34.1: Fragmentary maxilla.

MTM V2008.31.1: Fragmentary angulosplenial.

MTM V2008.30.1: Frgmentary scapula.