Genus: Calyptocephalella STRAND, 1928
Etymology: Greek, kalyptos, "covered" and Greek, kephale, , "head."
Species: satan AGNOLIN, 2012
Etymology: Satan: Evil, in order to emphasize the large size and morpohlogy of the new anuran.
Holotype: MML 870
Locality: Cerro Tortuga fossiliferous locality, Museo Municipal de Lamarque, Santa Rosa Basin, Rio Negro Province, Argentina.
Horizon: Allen Formation.
Age: Late Campanian-Early Maastrichtian Stage, Upper Senonian Sub-epoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Right incomplete maxilla.
Referred material:
MML 847: Complete atlas.
MML 848: Complete atlas.
MML 849: Fragmentry left squamosal.
MML 850: resacral vertebral centrum.
MML 851: Incomplete fragmetn of skull roof.
MML 854: Incomplete sacral centrum.
MML 855: Mid-portion of right maxilla.
MML 857: Incomplete left frontoparietal.
MML 858: Incomplete posterior portion of right maxilla.
MML 859: Incomplete right frontoparietal.
MML 860: Incomplete urostyle.
MML 862: Presacral vertebral centrum and incomplete sacrum.
MML 863: Incomplete left maxilla.
MML 864: Incomplete right squamosal.
MML 865: Incomplete right maxilla preserving tooth bases.
MML 866: Right radius-ulna without its distal end.
MML 867: 2 distal ends of right humeri.
MML 868: Fragmentary urostyle.
MML 869: Incomplete right frontoparietal.
MML 872: Incomplete left premaxilla.
MML 875: Complete atlas.
MML 846: Fragmentary sacrum.