Genus: Eoscapherpeton NESOV, 1981
Etymology: Greek, eo, "dawn" + scapherpeton.

Species: asiaticum NESOV, 1981
Etymology: In reference to Asia, the area where the specimen was found.

Holotype: ZIN PHA K77-1

Locality: Site CBI-4, Dzhyrakuduk, North of Kulbecke Spring, Central Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan.

Horizon: Middle part of the Bissekty Formation.


Age: Coniacian Stage, lower Senonian subepoch, Middle Gulf Epoch, Early Cretaceous.

Material: Left maxilla.

Referred material:

NESOV, 1988

Locality: Dzharakhuduk Locality, central part of Kizylkum Desert, Uzbekistan.

Horizon: Lower part of the Taikarshin Beds.


Age: Upper Turonian Stage, upper Gallic subepoch, lower Gulf Epoch, Early Late Cretaceous.


Number: Not given:



Localtiy: Dzharakuduk, Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan.

Horizon: Bissekty Formation.


Age: Turonian Stage, Upper Gallic Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Middle Cretaceous.


ZIN PH 1/243: Prearticular.

Note: Pathology, Focal bony protrusion (i.e. exostosis0: eroded bone surface.

ZIN PH 2/243: Fragmentary dentary.

Note: Patylogy: Corse callus.

ZIN PH 3/243: Atlantal centrum.

Note: Pathology, Enlarged transverse process.

ZIN PH 1830/242: Atlantal centrum.

Note: Pathology: Asymmetry Iin anterior and posterior views) and presence of well-developed transverse processes.

ZIN PH 13/242: Anterior trunk vertebra.

Note: Pathology, Enlaged (both) and elongated (Right) transverse processes.

ZIN PH 1892/242: Co-ossified atlas and hemivetebra.

Note: Pathology: Fusion of vertebrae; asymmetrical atlas with posteriorcotyle oriented postlaterlly, arrows and wedge-like hemivertebral centrum wiht a large transverse process.

ZIN PH 1832/242: Fused atlas and the first trunk vertebra.

Note: Pathology, Fusion of vertbrae; no bone enlargemtns; shortening of the centra.

ZIN PH 4/243: Fused two anterior trunk vertebrae.

Note: Pathology, Fusion of vertebae, enlargements on the lateral surfaces of the centra and the hypapophyses.

ZIN PH 6/243: Fused two anterior trunk vertebrae.

Note: Pathology, Fusion of vertebrae; no bone enlargements; shortening of the centra, asymmetric arragement of the transverse porcesses.

ZIN PH 7/243: Fused two posterior trunk vertebrae.

Note: Pathology Fusion of vertebrae; no bone enlargemtns; shortening of teh centra, and asymmetric arrangement of the transvrse porcesses.

ZIN PH 5/243: Fused anteriior trunk vertebrae.

Note: Pathology, fusion of vertebrae, no bone enlargements; shortening of the centra.

ZIN PH 8/243: Fused neural arches of few trunk vertebrae.

Note: Pathology, Fusion of vertebra.

ZIN PH 9/243: Distal part of the femur.

Note: Pathology, large smooth focal bone enlargement.

ZIN PH 10/243, 11/243, 12/243: Distal part of the femora.

Note: Pathology, smooth focal bone enlargemtn (callus);displacement of the distal end.



Species: superum NESOV, 1997
Etymology: Latin, super, "above, upward."
= Eoscapherpeton superum, 1986 (nomen nudum)

Holotype: TsNIGRI 232/12177

Locality: Kansai, western Fergana, Tadzhikistan.

Horizon: Yalovach Svita.


Age: Santonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Early Late Cretaceous

Material: Atlas.