Genus: Kokartus NESOV, 1988
Etymology: In reference to the Jugart (=Kokart) river, Kirghizia.

Species: honorius NESOV, 1988
Etymology: Latin, honorarius, "named in honour."

Holotype: TsNIGRI (Central Museum of Geological Exploration (CMGE), Leningrad,) No. 1/11998

Locality: Kizylsu River, near Niezke Spring in Kugart Basin, 100 km ESE from Tashkumyr, Kirghizia.

Horizon: Black and red shales.


Age: Bathonian Stage, Middle Dogger Epoch, Middle Jurassic.

Material: Frontal.

Referred material:

CMBE 2/11998: Pracoperculo-squamosum.

CMBE 3/11998: Parasphenoid.

CMBE 4/11998: Atlas.

CMBE 5/11998: Femur.



Locality: Kugart 1 (Site KUG-3), right bank of the Kugart River, 2 km upstream of the Kalmakerchin settlement, eastern Fergana, Jalal-Abad Province, Kyrgystan.

Horizon: Lower part of the Balabansi Svita.


Age: Late Bathonian Stage, Upper Middle Dogger Epoch, Middle Jurassic.


ZIN PH 3/47: Atlas with a partially preserved neural arch.

ZIN PH 4-6/47, 11/47, 26,47: Atlantal centra.

ZIN PH 27/47: Left humerus proximal fragment.

ZIN PH 22, 23, 25/47: Right humerus proximal fragments.

ZIN PH 24, 28, 29, 35/47, 58/47: Left scapulocoracoid fragments.

ZIN PH 27, 52/47: Right scapulocoracoid fragments.

ZIN PH 30/47: Right dentary fragment.

ZIN PH 31, 32, 34, 37, 48/47: Left ilium fragments.

ZIN PH 33, 36, 38/47: Right exoccipital fragments.

ZIN PH 39/47: Right femur distal fragment.

ZIN PH 40/47: Right humerus distal fragment.

ZIN PH 41/47: Right femur proximal fragment.

ZIN PH 42-44/47: Left femur proximal fragments.

ZIN PH 45/47: Maxillary or premaxillary fragment.

ZIN PH 46/47: Right dentary symhysis.

ZIN PH 47/47: Unidentifed jaw fragment.

ZIN PH 49, 51/47: Right ilium fragments.

ZIN PH 50/47: Right squamosal.

ZIN PH 50/52, 54/47: Left exoccipital fragment.

ZIN PH 55/47, 57/57, 61-63/47: Trunk vertebrae.

ZIN PH 56/47: Trunk vertebra neural spine.

ZIN PH 64/47: Sacral vertebra.

ZIN PH uncatalogued: Numerous less complete specimens.


ZIN PH 65/47-69..47, 22/47, 23/47, 43/47, 44/47: Femora that had been a subject of histology.