Species: monbaroni EVANS & SIGOGNEAU-RUSSELL, 2001
Etymology: In honor of the Swiss geologist M. Monbaron whose specialist knowledge
of the region contributed to the discovery of the Anoual locality.
Holotype: MCM 171
Locality: Anoual microvertebrate locality, about 100 km east of the city of Anoual an dnear a fort called Ksar Met Lili, Talsinnt Province, eastern High Atlas Mountains, Morocco.
Biostratigraphy: Unnamed non-marine limestone lens.
Age: Probably Berriasian Stage, Lower Neocomian Subepoch, Lowermost Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Material: A nearly complete right pseudodentary.
Referred material:
MCM 172-173: Partial left pseudodentaires.
MCM 56: A partial right pseudangular.
MCM 174: A partial palatine.
MCM 175: An atlas.
MCM 1-2, 176-181: Postatlantal vertebrae.