Genus: Saevesoederberghia ROCEK & NESOV, 1993
Etymology: In honour of the Swedish paleontologist Gunnar Save-Soderbergh, famous by his work on primitive tetrapods and the origins of the anura.

Species: egredia ROCEK & NESOV, 1993
Etymology: Latin, egredior, "exceed"; refers to the tooth row exceeding posterior termination of the lamina horizontals.

Holotype: TsNIGRI 136/12936 (old LU-N6/375)

Locality: Dzhyrakuduk, CBI-14, Central Kizylkkum Desert, Uzbeskistan.

Horizon: Middle of the Bissekty Formation.


Age: Coniacian Stage, lower Senonian subepoch, Middle Gulf Epoch, Early Cretaceous.

Material: Section of the right maxillary at the level of the margo orbitals.

Referred material:

LU-N5/178: Left squamosal.

LU-N5/139: Probably a right squamosal.