Genus: Ambedus KISSELL & REISZ, 2004
Etymology: Latin, ambedo, "to nibble."
Species: pusillus KISSELL & REISZ, 2004
Etymology: Latin, pusillus, "tiny"; Tiny nibbler.
= Genus: Nova KISSELL & REISZ,
Holotype: MCZ 9436
Locality: Clark Hill, sec. 16, Salem Township, Monroe County, Ohio.
Horizon: Eight feet below Nineveh coal Horizon, Greene Formation, Dunkard Group.
Age: Wolfcampanian stage, upper lower to lower middle Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.
Material: Nearly complete right maxilla.
Referred material:
MCZ 9437: Poorly preserved maxilla.
MCZ 9438: Complete left dentary.
MCZ 9439: Anterior portion of right dentary.
MCZ 9440: Posterior portion of left dentary.
MCZ 9441: Poorly preserved dentary.