Species: valensis OLSON, 1954
Holotype: CNHM UR 101
Locality: Locality KA, 7 miles North of Vera, North wall of valley of South Wichita River, east of Vera-Gilliland road, Knox County, Texas.
Horizon: Upper Vale Formation, Middle Clear Fork Group.
Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower to middle D.
Age: Upper Leonardian Stage,Upper Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.
Material: Anterior part of lower jaw and maxillary tooth plate.
Referred material:
FMNH UR 103: Fragment of upper tooth plate.
FMNH UR 104: Part of palate.
FMNH UR 102: Partial lower jaw.
FMNH UR 219: Miscellaneous fragments, including identifiable part of lower jaw.
FMNH UR 224: Miscellaneous fragments.
FMNH UR 216: Partial jaw with teeth.
FMNH UR 1077: Presacral vertebrae.
FMNH UR 1086: Vertebrae associated with ribs and fragments of dental plates.
Locality: KF, Knox County, Texas.
Horizon: Middle Vale Formation, Middle Clear Fork Group.
Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower to middle D.
Age: Upper Leonardian Stage,Upper Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.
FMNH UR 107: Presacral vertebrae.
Locality: KI, Knox County, Texas.Horizon: Upper Vale Formation, Middle Clear Fork Group.
Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower to middle D.
Age: Upper Leonardian Stage,Upper Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.
FMNH UR 108: Vertebrae associated with ribs and fragments of dental plates.
Locality: KH, Knox County, Texas.Horizon: Upper Vale Formation, Middle Clear Fork Group.
Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower to middle D.
Age: Upper Leonardian Stage,Upper Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.
FMNH UR 105: Fragmentary lower jaw with teeth.
Locality: KB, Knox County, Texas.Horizon: Upper Vale Formation, Middle Clear Fork Group.
Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower to middle D.
Age: Upper Leonardian Stage,Upper Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.
FMNH UR 106: Vertebrae with ribs and poorly preserved impression of 5 more anterior vertebrae leading toward what appears to be fragments of posterior part of skull.
Note: Possibly Captorhinoides valensis (BOLT 1978)
Species: chozaensis OLSON, 1954
Holotype: FMNH UR 97
Locality: FA, green nodule site, Foard County, Texas.
Horizon: Lower or Middle Choza Formation, Upper Clear Fork Group.
Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron middle D.
Age: Upper Leonardian Stage,Upper Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.
Material: Lower jaws with fragments of skull including maxillary tooth plates.
Referred material:
FMNH UR 99: Part of skeleton including 6 thoracic vertebrae, part of pelvis, femur, and indeterminate fragments.
FMNH UR 239: Fragmentary jaw.
FMNH UR 98: Miscellaneous vertebrae.
Locality: Diplocaulus site, FA, green nodule site, Foard County, Texas.
Horizon: Top of lower Choza Formation, Choza Formation, Upper Clear Fork Group.
Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron middle D.
Age: Upper Leonardian Stage,Upper Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.
FMNH UR 100: Part of skull and skeleton including portion of skull roof, impression of scapula, vertebrae (largely molds), humerus, radius, fibula, and various unprepared parts.
OLSON 1970
Locality: Norman Locality, SW 1/4, NW 1/4, sec. 13, T8N, R 2W, Cleveland County, Oklahoma.
Horizon: Hennessey Formation, (Arroyo equivalent), Low Clear Fork Group.
Age: Leonardian Stage, Lower Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.
FHNM UR 183, UR 183: Skulls, and jaws.
OUSM 4-1-S3: Fragmentary skull and fragmentary skeleton.
FMNH UR 857: Partial skull, skeleton.
FMNH UR 858, UR 859: Partial skeletons.
USNM 21275: Partial skull and skeleton.
In addition, there are many skulls of small individuals from sec. 13 that may belong to this genus.
Locality: NE 1/4, NW 1/4, sec. 29, T9N, R2W, Cleveland County, Oklahoma.
Horizon: Hennessey Formation, (Arroyo equivalent), Low Clear Fork Group.
Age: Leonardian Stage, Lower Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.
FMNH UR 857: Partial skull and skeleton.
FHNM UR 858: Partial skeleton.
FHNM UR 859: Partial skull and skeleton.
Locality: S 1/2, sec. 24, T8N, R2W, Cleveland County, Oklahoma.Horizon: Hennessey Formation, (Arroyo equivalent), Low Clear Fork Group.
Age: Leonardian Stage, Lower Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.
USHM 21275: Skull and partial skeleton.
Species: parvus OLSON, 1970
Holotype: FHNM UR 1250
Locality: 70 feet above the base, SW 1/4, NW 1/4, sec 13, T8N, R2W, Cleveland County, Oklahoma.
Horizon: Hennessey Formation, (Arroyo equivalent), Low Clear Fork Group.
Age: Leonardian Stage, Lower Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.
Material: Skull and fragmentary lower jaw.
Referred material:
FHNM UR 1251: Fragmentary skull, lower jaw and skeleton.
FHNM UR 1252: Front end of lower jaw.
FHNM UR 1253: 7 vertebrae.
FHNM UR 1254: Crushed skull, jaws and postcranium.
FHNM UR 1255, UR 1256, UR 1257, UR 1258: Skulls and jaws.
FHNM UR 1259, UR 1268, UR 1269, UR 1270, UR 1279: Fragmentary skulls and lower jaw.
FHNM UR 1262, UR 1263, UR 1264, UR 1265: Fragmentary skulls.
FHNM UR 1266: Front end of skull.
FHNM UR 1267: Jaws and skull fragment.
FHNM UR 1271: Part of lower jaw.
FHNM UR 1272, UR 1273, UR 1275, UR 1278, UR 1280, UR 1281: Lower jaw.
FHNM UR 1274, UR 1276, UR 1277, UR 1283: Fragmentary lower jaws.
FHNM UR 1282: Maxillae and dentaries.