Genus: Kuwavaatakdectes PONSTEIN, MacDOUGALL & FRÖBISCH, 2024
Etymology: Ute, Kuwavaatak, "edge" and Latin, -dectes, "biter". Kissel 2010 proposed teh generic name Oradectes (Latin, Ora =Margin) after the splenial representing the sole contributor to the ventral margin of the Meckelinan fenestra, an apomorphy of the species. As Kissel's 2010 PhD thesis was not formaly published, the generic name Oradectes has to be considered a nomen nudum. Though in the same sprit, the name Kuwavaatakdectes follows Kissel's 2010 suggestion, yet also honoruing the Ute language of the Nuuchi-u people that are native to Colorado.

Species: sanmiquelensis (LEWIS & VAUGHN, 1965) PONSTEIN, MacDOUGALL & FRÖBISCH, 2024
= Diadectes sanmiquelensis LEWIS & VAUGHN, 1965
Etymology: In reference to San Miguel County, Colorado.
= Oradectes sanmiquelensis (LEWIS & VAUGHN, 1965) KISSEL, 2010 (nomen subscriptum) Note: This name appeared in a thesis but has not been formally published.

Holotype: MCZ 2989

Locality: Localty 10, Placerville area, 1/10 to 3/4 mile wide on both sides of the San Miguel River for 4 miles upstream and 4 miles downstream from the town of Placerville, San Miguel County, Colorado.

Horizon: Upper Cutler Formation, approximately 152 to 158 meters below the top of the Cutler Formation.


Age: Wolfcampian Stage, Lower Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.

Material: Fragmentary skull, dentary and fragmentary skeleton.