Genus: Labidosaurus COPE, 1896
Etymology: Greek, labid- (labis), “forceps, pincers” and Greek, sauros, “lizard”: Forceps lizard.

Species: hamatus (COPE, 1896)
= Pariotichus hamatus COPE, 1896

Holotype: AMNH 4341

Locality: West Coffee Creek, Baylor County, Texas.

Horizon: Arroyo Formation, Lower Clear Fork Group.

Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower D.

Age: Middle Leonardian stage, upper Rotliegendes, Early Permian.

Material: Poorly preserved skull.

Referred material:

BROILI, 1904

Locality: Texas.



Age: Early Permian.


Numbers: Not given: Skull, fragmentary skulls and fragmentary skeletons.



Locality: North of Seymour, Baylor County, Texas.

Horizon: Clear Fork Formation, Clear Fork Group.


Age: Artinskian Stage, Lower Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.


UC 1543: Skull and skeleton.


Locality: Mitchell Creek, Baylor County, Texas.

Horizon: Lower to middle Waggoner Ranch Formation (formerly Clyde Formation, upper Wichita Group) Upper Wichita Group.

Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower to middle C.

Age: Lower Leonardian Stage, Lower Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.


FMNH UC 183: Skull.


Locality: West Coffee Creek, Baylor County, Texas.

Horizon: Arroyo Formation, Lower Clear Fork Group.

Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower D.

Age: Middle Leonardian stage, upper Rotliegendes, Early Permian.


AMNH 4406, 4421, 4427, 4414, FMNH UC 180: Skulls.


Locality: Middle Coffee Creek, Baylor County, Texas.

Horizon: Arroyo Formation, Lower Clear Fork Group.

Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower D.

Age: Middle Leonardian stage, upper Rotliegendes, Early Permian.


FMNH UR 273: Skull.


Locality: Coffee Creek, Baylor County, Texas.

Horizon: Arroyo Formation, Lower Clear Fork Group.

Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower D.

Age: Middle Leonardian stage, upper Rotliegendes, Early Permian.


AMNH 4427: Skull.

FMNH UC 726, UC 730: Partial skeletons.

FMNH UC 724: Very poor skull.

FMNH P 12758: Mixed specimen, partial skeleton, basicranium, small skull.

FMNH UC 728: Miscellaneous fragments.

FMNH UC 1199, UC 725: Lower Jaws.

FMNH UC 732, UC 1059, UC 729: Miscellaneous fragments.


Locality: Indian Creek, Baylor County, Texas.

Horizon: Arroyo Formation, Lower Clear Fork Group.

Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower D.

Age: Middle Leonardian stage, upper Rotliegendes, Early Permian.

FMNH UC 174: Skull and skeleton.

FMNH UC 176: Skull.

FMNH UC 177: Skeleton.

FMNH UC 178: Lower jaws, and partial vertebral column.

FMNH UC 731: Miscellaneous fragments.


Locality: Seymour, Baylor County, Texas.

Horizon: Arroyo Formation, Lower Clear Fork Group.

Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower D.

Age: Middle Leonardian stage, upper Rotliegendes, Early Permian.


FMNH UC 634: Skull and partial skeleton.


Locality: Hog Creek, Baylor County, Texas.

Horizon: Arroyo Formation, Lower Clear Fork Group.

Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower D.

Age: Middle Leonardian stage, upper Rotliegendes, Early Permian.


FMNH UC 696: Skull.


Locality: Pony Creek, Baylor County, Texas.

Horizon: Arroyo Formation, Lower Clear Fork Group.

Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower D.

Age: Middle Leonardian stage, upper Rotliegendes, Early Permian.


FMNH UC 727: Lower Jaw.


Locality: New Mexico.

Horizon: Abo Formation.


Age: Wolfcampian Stage, Lower Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.


FMNH UC 1102: Skull plate.


Locality: Unknown.



Age: Early Permian.


FMNH Unnumbered: Skull.


FOX & BOWMAN, 1966

Locality: Mid-Coffee Creek, Labidosaurus pocket, Baylor County, Texas.

Horizon: Arroyo Formation, Lower Clear Fork Group.

Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower D.

Age: Middle Leonardian stage, upper Rotliegendes, Early Permian.


FMNH UR 161: Skull and associated fragments.


CM 73370 (formerly UCAL VP 3167): Skull and skeleton.

CM 73371 (formerly UCAL VP 3200): Skull and skeleton.

CM 76876: A partial right mandibular ramus.

Note: Pathological, bacterial infection (REISZ, SCOTT, PYNN & MODESTO, 2011)


Locality: Unknown NW Texas.



Age: Early Permian.


MCZ 8727: Nearly complete skull.

Locality: Whiskey Creek, Wilbarger County, Texas.

Horizon: Arroyo Formation, Lower Clear Fork Group.

Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower D.

Age: Middle Leonardian stage, upper Rotliegendes, Early Permian.


FMNH UC 182: A fragmentary skull.


SUMIDA, 1987

Locality: Baylor County, Texas.

Horizon: Arroyo Formation, Lower Clear Fork Group.

Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower D.

Age: Middle Leonardian stage, upper Rotliegendes, Early Permian.


AMNH 4417: Mandible, partial postcranial skeleton including vertebrae 1-25, pelvic girdle and sacrals.

FMNH P 12758: Vertebrae and pectoral girdle.

FMNH UC 174: Skull and articulated postcranial skeleton.

FMNH UC 726: Vertebrae, humeri and femur.

FMNH UC 730: Vertebrae, fragments of jaws and other bones.

MCZ 8923: String of 9 articulated mid-dorsal vertebrae.

UCLA VP 435: Femur.

UCLA VP 436: Disarticulated vertebrae, limb elements, and fragments.

UCLA VP 752: Vertebral and femoral fragments.

UCLA VP 3115: Fragments of pectoral and pelvic limbs.

UCLA VP 3491: Articulated tail and fragments of a juvenile.

USNM 17045: Skull and skeleton.


OLSON, 1967

Locality: Richards Spur Site, 6 miles north Fort Sill, sec. 31, T 4N, R 11W, Fissure Fills, Comanche County, Oklahoma.

Horizon: Arroyo Formation, Lower Clear Fork Group.

Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower D.

Age: Middle Leonardian stage, upper Rotliegendes, Early Permian.


FMNH UR 403: Many dentaries.

FMNH UR 404: Many maxillae.


Locality: Pond Creek Site, NE 1/4, NW 1/4, sec. 14, T. 25 N., R. 5 W., Grant County, Oklahoma.

Horizon: Willington Formation (Garber Formation), Summer Group, Arbuckle limestone, (Probably equivalent to the Arroyo Formation of Texas).


Age: Middle Leonardian stage, upper Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.


OUSM 3-0-S10: Partial skull.

OUSM 3-0-12: Partial skull and vertebrae.

OUSM 3-7-S5 through OUSM 3-7-S8: Vertebrae.

OUSM 3-13-S2: Distal end of humerus.

OUSM 3-21-S1: Partial femur.

OUSM 3-21-S2: Small limb bones, possibly Captorhinus.

UM 3409: Skull fragments etc.


Species: broilii CASE, 1911
Etymology: In honor of Broili, who first described this specimen.
= Labidosaurus hamatus BROILI, 1904 (partim)

Holotype: Alte Akademie, Munich.

Locality: Unknown, Baylor County, Texas.

Horizon: Arroyo Formation, Lower Clear Fork Group.

Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower D.

Age: Middle Leonardian stage, upper Rotliegendes, Early Permian.

Material: Skull and skeleton.

Species: oklahomensis SELTIN, 1959
Etymology: In reference to Oklahoma, where the specimen was discovered.

Holotype: OUSM 15022 (MUO 3-1-S7)

Locality: OMNH localtiy V128, McCaren Quarry, 2 miles northeast of Eddy, Kay County, Oklahoma.

Horizon: Wellington Formation (Garber Formation), Summer Group, Arbuckle limestone, (Probably equivalent to the Arroyo Formation of Texas).


Age: Leonardian Stage, Lower Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.

Material: Skull with lower jaws, palate and basicranium with the posterior border missing.

Referred material:

MOU 3-1-S4: Fragmentary skull.

OUSM 3-0-S3: Skull and skeleton.

OUSM 3-0-S4: Partial skeleton.

OUSM 3-0-S5, 3-1-S5: Partial skulls and partial skeletons.

OUSM 3-1-S6: Large skull and foot.

OUSM 3-1-S8: Snout, part of lower jaw.

OUSM 3-4-S2: Skull table.

OUSM 3-34-S3: Vertebrae, femur and fragmentary skull.


Locality: Perry Locality, Perry Site 1, on a tributary of Black Bear Creek Northwest of Perry, SW 1/4, NE 1/4, sec. 10, T. 21 N., R. 2 W., Noble County, Oklahoma.

Horizon: Wellington Formation (Garber Formation), Summer Group, Arbuckle limestone, (Probably equivalent to the Arroyo Formation of Texas).


Age: Leonardian Stage, Lower Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.


OUSM 3-0-S13: Skeleton lacking skull.


Locality: Orlando Site, 2 miles northeast of Orlando, SE 1/4, sec. 31, T20N, R1W, 2 miles northeast of Orlando, Noble County, Oklahoma.

Horizon: Wellington Formation (Garber Formation), Summer Group, Arbuckle limestone, (Probably equivalent to the Arroyo Formation of Texas).


Age: Leonardian, Hessian, Lower Artinskian Stage, Lower Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.


OUSM 1-2-S5: Partial skull and jaws.


Species: stovalli SELTIN, 1959





