Genus: Oryporan PINHEIRO, SILVA-NEVS & DA-ROSA, 2021
Etymology: Indigenous Guarani Language (Mbya dialect), Oryporan: can be transated as beatufile (pora) Smile (ory), in reference to teh well-preservedd, smile-like tooth series of the holotype.

Species: insolitus PINHEIRO, SILVA-NEVS & DA-ROSA, 2021
Etymology: Latin, insolitus, "rare, unusual."

Holotype: UFSM 11443

Locality: Bica Sao Tome Locality, Sao Francisco de Assis Municipality, 29°36'56"S, 55°03'10"W, Rio Grande do Sul Sate, Brazil.

Horizon: Sanga do Cabral Formation.


Age: Olenekian, Early Triassic.

Material: Incomplte skull with mandible in occlusion.