Species: peringueyi BROOM & HAUGHTON, 1913
= Pareiasaurus peringueyi (BROOM & HAUGHTON, 1913) HAUGHTON & BRINK, 1954
Holotype: SAM 2337
Locality: Found at the drift across the Zak River on the Main Beaufort road on the Farm Dunedin (Quaggasfontein), in the Division of Beaufort West, Western Cape Province, South Africa.
Biostratigraphy: Cistecephalus zone.
Age: Tatarian Age, Lopingian Subepoch, Zechstein Epoch, Late Permian.
Material: Skull and lower (which can not be found, LEE, 1997), vertebral column missing only the atlas ans posterior caudals, ribs, osteoderms, complete shoulder and pelvic girdls, both forelimbs, left hindlimb.
Referred material:
SAM 2367: Fragmentary skull.
LEE, 1997
BP 1/905: Complete skull and lower jaw, scaplocoracoid.
BP 1/4105: Complete skull and lower jaw, unprepared block with osteoderms and vertebrae.
GS CBT36: Posterior half of skull.
WEL RC784: Complete skull missing lower jaw.
= Pareiasuchus cf. peringueyi HAUGHTON & BOONSTRA, 1930Locality:
SAM 4996: Fragmentary skeleton.
= Pareiasaurus pulcher BROOM, 1935
Etymology: Latin, pulcher, "beautiful."Holotype: Transvaal Museum, Pretoria 257
Locality: Leeukloof, Nieuweveld, Beaufort West, Western Cape Province, South Africa.
Biostratigraphy: Cistecephalus zone.
Age: Tatarian Age, Lopingian Subepoch, Zechstein Epoch, Late Permian.
Material: Skull and lower jaw.
Species: nasicornis HAUGHTON & BOONSTRA, 1929
Etymology: Latin, nasus, "nose" and Latin, cornice, "ornamental
molding along a wall."
= Pareiasaurus nasicornis (HAUGHTON & BOONSTRA, 1929) KUHN, 1961
Holotype: SAM-PK- 3016
Locality: Graaff Reinet District, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa.
Biostratigraphy: Cistecephalus zone.
Age: Tatarian Age, Lopingian Subepoch, Zechstein Epoch, Late Permian.
Material: Complete skull and lower jaw, parts of both forelimbs, pelvis, and both hindlimbs, and numerous osteoderms.
Referred material:
= Pareiasuchus cf. nasicornis HAUGHTON & BOONSTRA, 1930
SAM-PK- 4344: Fragmentary skeleton.
BOONSTRA, 1932Locality: South Africa.
Biostratigraphy: Tapinocephalus zone.
Age: Early Tatarian age, Guadelupian Stage, Middle Zeichstein Epoch, Middle Permian.
Number: Not given: Fragmentary remains.
Locality: South Africa.
Biostratigraphy: Cistecephalus zone.
Age: Tatarian Age, Lopingian Subepoch, Zechstein Epoch, Late Permian.
BP 1/254: Skull fragment and partial lower jaw.
BP 1/1500: Antorbital region of skull, with mandible missing part of left ramus.
Unprepared blocks containing anterior ceervicals, osteroderms and portions (?) shoulder girdle.
GSP 475: Compete skull and lower jaw, posterior 3 sacrals and anterior caudals, portions of shoulder and pelvic girdles.
GSP CBT4: Skull missing most of the roof, complete lower jaw.
GSP R320: Pelvis, portions of both forelimbs and both hindlimbs, 17 caudal vertebrae, ribs and osteroderms.
GSP TN257: Complete skull and lower jaw.
Unprepared postcranial blocks containing vertebrae, parts of pelvis and hindlimbs and osteoderms.
Locality: Amandelboom, Fraserburg District, Northern Cape Province, South Africa.
Biostratigraphy: Tropidostoma/Cistocephalus zone.
Age: Upper Wuchiapingian Stage, Lopingian Epoch, Late Permian.
SAM-PK- K6607: Complete skull with lower jaw and fragmentary skeleton.
Locality: Zambia.
Biostratigraphy: Cistecephalus zone.
Age: Tatarian Age, Lopingian Subepoch, Zechstein Epoch, Late Permian.
BP 1/3653: Complete skull and lower jaw.