Genus: Procolina BORSUK-BIALYNICKA & LUBKA, 2009
Etymology: From abbreviated family name.

Species: teresae BORSUK-BIALYNICKA & LUBKA, 2009
Etymology: In honor of Prof. Teresa Maryanaska who transfered her procolophonid material to us, and helped us with her experience.

Holotype: ZPAL RV.711

Locality: Limestone quarry, Czatkowice 1, Krakow Upland region, Poland.



Age: Latest Olenekian, Scythian Epoch, Early Triassic.

Material: Right maxilla.

Referred material:

ZPAL RV/63: Right pterygoid.

ZPAL RV/505, 521: Left pterygoid.

ZPAL RV/510, 513: Right dentaries.

ZPAL RV/515, 516, 524, 683, 799: Dentaries.

ZPAL RV/525-527: Palatine:

ZPAL RV/710: Left maxilla.

ZPAL RV/714: Left vomer.

ZPAL RV/721: Right maxilla.

ZPAL RV/729: Left vomer.

ZPAL RV/734: Left maxilla of a juvenile.

ZPAL RV/735: Right maxilla of a juvenile.

ZPAL RV/742: Left maxilla of a juvenile.

ZPAL RV/756: Right pteryogid.

ZPAL RV/774: Left uadrate.

ZPAL RV/794, 796: Right premaxillae.

ZPAL RV/795, 797: Left premaxillae.

ZPAL RV/825, 826, 835-838: Atlas-axis.

ZPAL RV/827: Cervical vertebra III.

ZPAL RV/833, 845: Dorsal vertebrae.

ZPAL RV/835: Sacral II.

ZPAL RV/836: Sacral I.

ZPAL RV/937: Sacral III.

ZPAL RV/986: Left vome of a juvenile.

Numbers: Not given: Many disarticulated premaxillae, maxillae, dentaries, palatal bones and quadrates, vertebrae refered to as type BI vertebae by Lubka (1999), and numerous bone fragments.