Genus: Protocaptorhinus CLARK & CARROLL, 1973
Etymology: Greek, proteros, “first” + Captorhinus: First captorhinid.

Species: pricei CLARK & CARROLL, 1973

Holotype: MCZ 1478

Locality: Rattlesnake Canyon, Archer County, Texas.

Horizon: Lowermost Petrolia Formation (formerly Upper Admiral Formation, middle Wichita Group), Lower Wichita Group.

Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron middle B.

Age: Upper Wolfcampanian stage, Upper Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.

Material: Skull and associated elements of anterior postcranial skeleton.

Referred material:?

MCZ 1160: Baddly crushed skull.


Locality: Near Vernon Crossing, Wichita River, Baylor County, Texas.

Horizon: Petrolia Formation (formerly Belle Plains Formation, middle Wichita Group), Lower Wichita Group.

Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron upper B.

Age: Upper Wolfcampanian stage, Upper Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.


FMNH UC 1119: Fragmentary skull.


= Pleuristion brachycoelus CASE, 1902

Holotype: KU 351a

Locality: 100 feet below Wellington-Garber contact, from 2 miles northeast of Orlando, SE 1/4, sec. 31, T20N, R1W, Logan County, Oklahoma.

Horizon: Willington Formation (Garber Formation), Summer Group, Arbuckle limestone, (Probably equivalent to the Arroyo Formation of Texas).


Age: Middle Leonardian stage, upper Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.

Material: 3 vertebrae.

Referred material:

KUVP 351b (KUVP 65275): 11 vertebrae, with possible fragments of others, some rib fragments, an immature femur, and some phalangeal elements.

OLSON, 1970

FHMH UC 676: Fragmentary skull and dentary.

OUSM 3-0-S19: Partial skeleton.

OLSON, 1984

UCLA VP 756: Premaxilla and part of snout.

UCLA VP 3138: Skull, lower jaw and postcranial parts.

UCLA VP 3137: Miscellaneous postcranial fragments, of several individuals.

UCLA VP 3308, 3309, 3353: Partial skulls and jaws.

UCLA VP 3351: Partial skull.

UCLA VP 3354: Partial skull, partial humerus.

UCLA VP 3530: Right side of skull, right jaw and fragments.

UCLA VP 3531: Vertebrae, femur, etc.

UCLA VP 3532: Partial maxilla, lower jaw and vertebrae.

UCLA VP 3533: Postcranial parts of several individuals.

UCLA VP 3534: Fragment of skull, lower jaw.

UCLA VP 3535: Jaw fragments and scraps.

UCLA VP 3536: Vertebrae and postcranial fragments.

UCLA VP 3537: Vertebrae and ribs.

UCLA VP 3538: Partial lower jaw.

UCLA VP 3539: Vertebrae and partial femur.

UCLA VP 3540: Skull fragments and miscellaneous.

UCLA VP 3541: Partial maxilla, limb elements, and vertebrae.

UCLA VP 3542, 3543: Vertebrae and fragments.

UCLA VP 3544: Skull fragments and vertebrae.

UCLA VP 3545: Vertebrae and postcranial fragments.

UCLA VP 3546: Vertebrae and parts of limb bones.

UCLA VP 3547: Vertebrae fragments.

UCLA VP 3548: Lower jaw and skull fragments.

UCLA VP 3549: Skull fragments.

UCLA VP 3550: Fragment of skull including premaxilla.

UCLA VP 3621: Partial skull, skeleton and dermal scales.

UCLA VP 3622: Vertebrae.

UCLA VP 3623: Maxilla and fragments.

UCLA VP 3624: Postcrania parts, 4 pieces of different individuals.

UCLA VP 3625: Partial skull.

UCLA VP 3626: Teeth and vertebrae.

UCLA VP 3627: Postcranial parts.

UCLA VP 3628: Partial skull and partial lower jaw.

UCLA VP 3629: Vertebrae and fragments.

UCLA VP 3630: Vertebrae and partial limb bones.

UCLA VP 3631: Partial skull and fragments of a juvenile.

UCLA VP 3695: 4 presacral vertebrae.

FHNM PR 1359: Maxilla, and partial lower jaw.

FHNM PR 1360: Partial maxilla and fragments.

FHNM PR 1361: Snout and partial lower jaw.

FHNM PR 1362: Vertebrae and ribs.

FHNM PR 1363: Posterior portion of large skull and postcranial parts.