Species: multidontia OLSON & BEERBOWER, 1953
Etymology: Latin, multi, "many" and Greek, dont, "tooth."
= Rothianiscus mulidontia (OLSON & BEERBOWER, 1953) KUHN, 1962
Holotype: CNHM UR 87
Locality: Locality HA, Hardeman County, Texas.
Horizon: Member?, San Angelo Formation, Lower Pease River Group.
Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower E.
Age: Lower Guadalupian Stage, Upper Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.
Material: Partial skull and lower jaw.
Referred material:
FMNH UR 129: Part of left side of skull, scapulocoracoid, ribs, ?ulna, toe bones, and 4 vertebrae.
FMNH UR 130: 2 posterior lumbar, vertebrae.
Locality: Middle MacFayden Ranch, Little Croton Creek, Knox County, Texas.
Horizon: Member?, San Angelo Formation, Lower Pease River Group.
Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower E.
Age: Lower Guadalupian Stage, Upper Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.
FMNH UR 131: 4 vertebrae.
FMNH UR 378: Small fragments of jaw with teeth.
FMNH UR 252: Scraps of vertebrae and fragments.
Locality: Swanson Quarry, Knox County, Texas.Horizon: Member?, San Angelo Formation, Lower Pease River Group.
Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower E.
Age: Lower Guadalupian Stage, Upper Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.
FMNH UR 252: Miscellaneous fragments.
Locality: Knox County, Texas.Horizon: Member?, San Angelo Formation, Lower Pease River Group.
Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower E.
Age: Lower Guadalupian Stage, Upper Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.
FMNH UR 379: Fragmentary tooth palate.
Locality: Alexander Ranch, Knox County, Texas.
Horizon: Flower Pot Formation.
Age: Early Late Permian.
FMNH UR 262: Fragmentary partial skull.
FMNH UR 263: Partial skeleton.
OLSON 1962
Locality: Loc. KAC, Driver Ranch, Kahn Quarry, Knox County, Texas.
Horizon: Flowerpot Member, Upper San Angelo Formation, Lower Pease River Group.
Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower E.
Age: Lower Guadalupian Stage, Upper Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.
FMNH UR 502: Arch of dorsal vertebra.
FMNH UR 503: Arch of anterior vertebrae.
FMNH UR 713: Skull.
OLSON 1962
Locality: KF-1, NW 1/4, NW 1/4, NW 1/4, NW 1/4, sec. 19, T. 17 N., R. 9 W., it lies at a road intersection but a few feet east of the Blaine County line, Kingfisher County, Oklahoma.
Horizon: Flower Pot Formation.
Age: Early Late Permian.
FMNH UR 829: Mid-dorsal vertebra.
FMNH UR 830: A partial dorsal vertebra lacking posterior zygapophyses and neural arch.
FMNH UR 831: A partial dorsal vertebra with part of spine and right posterior zygapophysis.
FMNH UR 832: Part of an anterior dorsal vertebra, possibly a posterior cervical, with part of the neural arch and spine, and part of the zyagpophyses and transverse processes.
FMNH UR 833: Parts of both sides of the pelvis, lacking top of ilium and part of ischium on each side.
FMNH UR 834: A rib from the mid-dorsal region.
Species: robusta OLSON, 1965
Etymology: Latin, robustus, "robust, strong."
= Rothaniscus robusta (OLSON 1965) KUHN, 1962
Holotype: CNHM UR 966
Locality: Locality BC-7, about 1 3/4 miles northwest of Hitchcock, Blaine County, Oklahoma.
Horizon: Chickasha Formation, Middle Flower Pot ages, approximately bed 2 of the Chickasha Tongue.
Age: Guadalupian Stage, Lower Zechstein Epoch, Early Late Permian.
Material: A left lower jaw lacking the anterior portion, but with a well-preserved dental plate showing the significant features of this part of the animal.
Referred material:
FMNH UR 963: Vertebra.
FMNH UR 964: 2 sacral vertebrae.
FMNH UR 965: Vertebra.
FMNH UR 967: Much of skeleton and skull.
FMNH UR 989: Immature limb, scrap.
Locality: Locality BC-1, about 1 3/4 miles northwest of Hitchcock, Blaine County, Oklahoma.
Horizon: Chickasha Formation, Middle Flowerpot ages, approximately bed 2 of the Chickasha Tongue.
Age: Guadalupian Stage, Lower Zechstein Epoch, Early Late Permian.
FMNH UR 955: Tooth plate.
FMNH UR 956, UR 958, UR 959, UR 960: Jaw Fragments.
FMNH UR 957: Jaw fragment and rib.
FMNH UR 994: Front part of jaw.
Locality: Locality BC-6, about 1 3/4 miles northwest of Hitchcock, Blaine County, Oklahoma.
Horizon: Chickasha Formation, Middle Flowerpot ages, approximately bed 2 of the Chickasha Tongue.
Age: Guadalupian Stage, Lower Zechstein Epoch, Early Late Permian.
FMNH UR 961: Partial jaw.
FMNH UR 962: Jaw fragment.
Locality: Locality BC-8, about 1 3/4 miles northwest of Hitchcock, Blaine County, Oklahoma.Horizon: Chickasha Formation, Middle Flowerpot ages, approximately bed 2 of the Chickasha Tongue.
Age: Guadalupian Stage, Lower Zechstein Epoch, Early Late Permian.
FMNH UR 996: Part of scapulocoracoid and part of vertebra.
Locality: Locality BC-9, about 1 3/4 miles northwest of Hitchcock, Blaine County, Oklahoma.Horizon: Chickasha Formation, Middle Flowerpot ages, approximately bed 2 of the Chickasha Tongue.
Age: Guadalupian Stage, Lower Zechstein Epoch, Early Late Permian.
FMNH UR 1008: Fragment of jaw.
Locality: Locality KF-1, about 1 3/4 miles northwest of Hitchcock, Blaine County, Oklahoma.
Horizon: Chickasha Formation, Middle Flowerpot ages, approximately bed 2 of the Chickasha Tongue.
Age: Guadalupian Stage, Lower Zechstein Epoch, Early Late Permian.
FMNH UR 829: Vertebra.
FMNH UR 830, UR 831, UR 832: Partial vertebrae.
FMNH UR 833: Partial pelvis.
FMNH UR 834: Rib.
FMNH UR 934: Astragalus.
Locality: Locality KF-2, about 1 3/4 miles northwest of Hitchcock, Blaine County, Oklahoma.
Horizon: Chickasha Formation, Middle Flowerpot ages, approximately bed 2 of the Chickasha Tongue.
Age: Guadalupian Stage, Lower Zechstein Epoch, Early Late Permian.
FMNH UR 922: Partial tooth plate.
FMNH UR 950: Jaw fragment.
FMNH UR 1010: Part of tooth plate.
Locality: Locality KF-3, about 1 3/4 miles northwest of Hitchcock, Blaine County, Oklahoma.
Horizon: Chickasha Formation, Middle Flowerpot ages, approximately bed 2 of the Chickasha Tongue.
Age: Guadalupian Stage, Lower Zechstein Epoch, Early Late Permian.
FMNH UR 951: Skull plate.
FMNH UR 952: Jaw.
FMNH UR 953: Limb bone.
Locality: Locality KF-5, about 1 3/4 miles northwest of Hitchcock, Blaine County, Oklahoma.
Horizon: Chickasha Formation, Middle Flowerpot ages, approximately bed 2 of the Chickasha Tongue.
Age: Guadalupian Stage, Lower Zechstein Epoch, Early Late Permian.
FMNH UR 954: Part of skull roof.
FMNH UR 1009: Part of jaw.
Locality: Locality C-2, about 1 3/4 miles northwest of Hitchcock, Blaine County, Oklahoma.Horizon: Chickasha Formation, Middle Flowerpot ages, approximately bed 2 of the Chickasha Tongue.
Age: Guadalupian Stage, Lower Zechstein Epoch, Early Late Permian.
FMNH UR 991: Humerus.