Genus: Jesairosaurus JALIL, 1997
Etymology: From Al Jesaire, the Arabic name for Algeria, and Greek, sauros, “lizard”: Algeria lizard.

Species: lehmani JALIL, 1997
Etymology: In honor of the late Dr. J. P. Lehman who first studied the Triassic vertebrates of Zarzaitine Series.
= Genus nova JALIL, 1993

Holotype: ZAR 06

Locality: Gour Laoud, site 5003 of Busson, Illizi basin, eastern Sahara, Algeria near the Libayn border.

Horizon: Base of the Zarzaitine Formation, Base of the Lower Sandstones.


Age: Late Olenekian-Anisian Stage, Early Mid Triassic Epoch, Late Early to Middle Triassic.

Material: Skull associated with pectoral girdle and the neural spines of the last five cervical vertebrae.

Referred material:

ZAR 07: Dorsoventrally flattend skull. The mandible and the anterior part of the snout are missing. The palate is poorly preserved, but is visible in ventral view.

ZAR 08: Dorsoventrally and laterally flattened skull associated with postcranial skeleton.

ZAR 09: 2 postcranial skeletons preserved on the same block. The smaller specimen is represented by a series of 15 articulated vertebrae (10 presacrals, 2 sacrals, and the first 3 caudals). The larger specimen preserves the neural arch the last 3 cervical and first 6 dorsal vertebrae, 9 dorsal ribs, gastral ribs, a well-preserved pectoral girdle and the right humerus.

ZAR 09a: Skull originally connected to ZAR 9, prepared by serial grinding.

ZAR 10: Poorly preserved scapula associated with at least 4 dorsal vertebrae.

ZAR 11: Pelvic girdle attached to at least 3 dorsal and 3 caudal vertebrae, with associated grastral ribs.

ZAR 12: Poorly preserved pelvic girdle associated with at least 5 presarcral and 3 caudal vertebrae.

ZAR 13: 7 articulated presacral vertebrae.

ZAR 13a: Pelvic girdle originally connected to ZAR 13, prepared by serial grinding.

ZAR 14: Pelvic girdle. The pubis is well preserved, but the puboischiadic plate is badly flattened dorsoventrally.

ZAR 15: Pelvic girdle in connection with the proximal head of the femur. The shaft of the femur is missing, but its distal end id preserved and connected to the tibia and fibula. Poorly preserved remains of the tarsus are visible.