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Kellner, A. W. A., Campos, D. A., Sayao, J. M., Saraiva, A. A. F., Rodrigues, T., Oliveira, G., Cruz, L. A., Costa, F. R., Silva, H. P., and Ferreira, J. S., 2013, The largest flying reptile from Gondwana: a new specimen of Tropeognathus cf. T. mesembrinus Wellnhofer, 1987 (Pterodactyloidea, Anhangueridae) and other large pterosaurs from the Romualdo Fromation, Lower Cretaceous, Brazil: Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias, v. 85, n. 1, p. 113-135.

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Kellner, A. W. A., and Mader, B. J., 1996, First report of Pterosauria (Pterodactyloidea, Azhidarchiidae) from Cretaceous Rocks of Morocco: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, v. 16, supplement to n. 3, Abstracts of Papers, Fifty-sixth Annual Meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, American Museum of Natural History, New York, New York, October 16-19, p. 45A.

Kellner, A. W. A., and Mader, B. J., 1997, Archosaur teeth from the Cretaceous of Morocco: Journal of Paleontology, v. 71, n. 3, p. 525-527.

Kellner, A. W. A., Mello, A. M. S., and Ford, T. L., 2007, A survey of Pterosaurs from Africa with the description of a new specimen from Morocco: In: Paleontologia: Cenarios de Vida, v. 1, edited by Carvalho, I. de S., Cassab, R. de C. T., Schwanke, C., Carvalho, M. de A., Fernandes, A. C. S., Rodrigues, M. A. da C., Carvalho, M. S. S. de, Arai, M., and Oliveria, M. E. Q., p. 257-268.

Kellner, A. W. A., and Moody, J. M., 2003, Pterosaur (Pteranodontoidea, Pterodactyloidea) scapulocoracoid from the Early Cretaceous of Venezuela: In: Evolution and Palaeobiology of Pterosaurs, edited by Buffetaut, E., and Mazin, J.-M., Geological Society Special Publication, n. 217, p. 73-77.

Kellner, A. W. A., Rich, T. H., Costa, F. R., Vickers-Rich, P., Kear, B. P., Walters, M., and Kool, L., 2010, New isolated pterodactyloid bones from the Albian Toolebuc Formation (western Queensland, Australia) with comments on the Australian pterosaur fauna: Alcheringa, first article, 12 pp.

Kellner, A. W. A., and Rodrigues Marques da Silva, T., 2013, On an unusual tapejarid pterosaur from the Early Cretaceous of Brazil and comments on the pterosaur palate: In: Program and Abstracts, 73rd Meeting Los Angeles, CA., Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Supplement to online Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, p. 152.

Kellner, A. W. A., Rodrigues, T., and Costa, F. R., 2011, Short note on a pteranodontoid pterosaur (Pterodactyloidea) from western Queenland, Australia: In: Proceedings of the Third Gondwanan Dinosaur Symposium, Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias, v. 83, n. 1, 301-308.

Kellner, A. W. A., Rodrigues, T., Costa, F. R., Weinschutz, L. C., Figueiredo, R. G., de Souza, G. A., Brum, A. S., Eleuteiro, L. H. S., Mueller C. W., and Sayao, J. M., 2019, Pterodactyloid pterosaur bones from Cretaceous deposites of the Antarctic Peninsula: Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias, v. 91, supplment 2:E20191300, 16pp.

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Kellner, A. W. A., and Tomida, Y., 1993, The ankle structure in a juvenile anhanguerid (Pterosauria, Pterodactyloidea) from the Lower Cretaceous of Brazil: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, v. 13, supplement to n. 3, 23 September 1993. Abstracts of Papers, Fifty-third Annual Meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 13-16, p. 44a.

Kellner, A. W. A., and Tomada, Y., 1996, New information on Anhanguera and the systematic position of the Anhangueridae (Pterosauria, Pterodactyloidea): Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, v. 16, supplement to n. 3, Abstracts of Papers, Fifty-sixth Annual Meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, American Museum of Natural History, New York, New York, October 16-19, p. 45A.

Kellner, A. W. A., and Tomada, Y., 2000, Description of a new species of Anhangueridae (Pterodactyloidea) with comments on the pterosaur fauna from the Santana Formation (Aptian-Albian), northeastern Brazil: National Science Museum Monograph, n. 17, p. 1-135.

Kellner, A. W. A., Wang, X., Jiang, S., Cheng, X., Wang, Q., Ma, Y., Paidoula, Y., Rodrigues, T., Chen, H., Sayao, J. M,. Li, N., Zhang, J., Bantim, R. A. M., Meng, X., Zhang, X., Qiu, R., Weinschü,tz, L., Soares, M. B., and Zhou, Z., 2018, On Hamipterus (Pterosauria, Pterodactyloidea) eggs and embryoinc remains: In: Flugsaurier 2019: Los Angeles, the 6th International Symposium on Pterosaurs, p. 57-58.

Kellner, A. W. A., Wang, X., Jiang, S., and Meng, X., 2010, Preliminary note on long-tailed pterosaurs from western Liaoning of China: In: 70th anniversary meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Program and Abstracts, p. 114a.

Kellner, A. W. A., Wang, X., Jiang, S., and Meng, X., 2010, Short note on two long-tailed pterosaur specimens from Western Liaoning, China: Third Internatinonal Symposium on Pterosaurs-Flugsaurier 2010, Acta Geoscientica Sinica, v. 31, Supplement no. 1, p. 36-37.

Kellner, A. W. A., Wang, X., Jiang, S., Sayao, J. M., Cheng, X., Rodrigues, T., Wang, Q., and Costa, F. R., 2015, Comments on pterosaur reproduction based on recently found specimens form the Jurassic and Cretaceous of China:  In: 63rd Symposium for Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy, & 24th Symposium of Palaeontological Preparation and Conservation with the Geological Curators' Group, p. 47. 

Keller, A. W. A., Wang, X., Tischlinger, H., Hone, D., and Keng, X., 2009, The soft tissue of Jeholopterus (Pterosauria, Anurognathidae) and the structure of pterosaur wing membrane: In: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, v. 29, supplement to n. 3, 69th Annual Meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology and 57th Symposium of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy (SPVCA): 125a.

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