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Malkani, M. S., 2019, Smallest titanosaur from Indo-Pakistan landmass: Open Journal of Geology, v. 9, p. 627-630.
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Malkani, M. S., 2020, First snout with complete teeth row of small titanoaur in Indo-Pakistan found from the Latest Maastrichtian Vitakri Formation of Pakistan; associated cranial and postcranial skeletons of Saraikimasoom vitakri (Poripuchia, Stocky Titanosauria, sauropoda) from Pakisan and referred forssils from India: Open Journal of Geology, v. 10, p. 368-407.
Malkani, M. S., 2020, Pakisaurus balochistani (Poripuchia, Slender Titanosauria, Sauropoda) associated skeletons found from the Latest Maastrichtian Vitakri Formation of Pakistan and referred fossils from India; filling of important missing links of Isisaurus colberti titanosaur found from Pakistan: Open Journal of Geology, v. 10, p. 408-447.
Malkani, M. S., 2020, First skull of medium sized titanosaur in Indo-Pakistan Subcontinent found from the Latest Maastrichtian Vitakri Formation of Pakistan: Associated cranial and postcranial skeletons of Gspsaurus pakistani (Poripuchia Stocky Titanosauria, Sauropoda) from Pakistan and India: Open Journal of Geology, v. 20, p. 448-489.
Malkani, M. S., 2021a, Jurassic-Cretaceous and Cretaceous-Paleogene transitions and Mesozoic vertebrates from Pakistan: Open Journal of Geology, v. 11, p. 275-318.
Malkani, M. S., 2021b, Formal description of Mesozoic and Cenozoic biotas found from Pakistan: Open Journal of Geology, v. 11, p. 411-455.
Malkani, M. S., 2022, Plates boundary and structural geology of Balochistan and Indus basins thorugh field observations on Chaman Transform fault and western Indus Suture (Pakistan): Dinosaurs from Pakistan with attributed bones and key features: Titanosaurs from India with updated assessment on Jainosaurus: Open Journal of Geolgy, v. 12, p. 1032-1079.
Malkani, M. S., 2023, Geology and mineral deposits of Saraikistan (South Punab, Koh Sulaiman Range) of Pakistan: A tabular review of recently discovered biotas from Pakistan and paleobiogeographic link phylogeny and hypodigm of Poripuchina Titanosaurs from Indo-Pakistan: Open Journal of Geology, v. 13, p. 900-958.
Malkani, M. S., 2023, A glance on the mineral deposits and stratigraphic sequential variations and structures in different sections of Indus Basin (Pakistan): New titanosaurian sauropod dinosaurs from the Latest Maastrichtina Vitakri Formation of Pakistan: Open Journal of Geology, v. 13, p. 1069-1128.
Malkani, M. S., 2024, New data on coal, gypsum, iron and silica sand deposits and geochemical exploration (Pakistan): revision of 25 years history of Dinosaur discoveries from Pakistan: Open Journal of Geology, v. 14, p. 431-511.
Malkani, M. S., 2025, Theropods, Ornithischians and Pterosaurs from South Asia-review with new taxa: a look at paleontology, stratigraphy and mineral potential of Pakistan: Open Journal of Geology, v. 15, n. 1, p. 22-68.
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Mannion, P. D., and Upchurch, P., 2010, A quantitative analysis of environmental associations in sauropod dinosaurs: Paleobiology, v. 36, n. 2, p. 253-282.
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