Species: italicus NOPCSA, 1925
Etymology: In reference to Italy, the country of origin.
Holotype: MSNM V 3550 (Ex. Be I)
Locality: Milano, Lombardia Province, Italy.
Age: Late Triassic.
Material: Ilium, ribs, vertebrae, metatarsal.
Referred material:
MULLER, 2005
MSNM V456: Almost complete well preserved skeleton.
MSNM V3931: Slab and counterslab of a disarticulated skeleton, poorly preserved.
PIMUZ T 4831: Complete skeleton.
PIMUZ T 4832: Complete but disarticultated skeleton.
PIMUZ T 4839: Poorly preserved skeleton (Cava Tre Fontane).
PIMUZ T4842: Disarticulated skeleton.
PIMUZ T 4846: Complete skeleton.
PEYER, 1952
Ex. Be II: Skull and skeleton.
Ex. Be III: Fragmentary skull and disarticulated skeleton.
Ex. V. St: Skull.
Modified from Peyer.