Genus: Bissektipelta PARISH & BARRETT, 2004
Etymology: In reference to the Bissekty Formation, where the type specimen was discovered (Averianov, 2002), and Greek, pelta, "sheild", Feminine.

Species: archibaldi (AVERIANOV, 2002) PARISH & BARRETT, 2004
= Amtosaurus AVERIANOV, 2002
Etymology: In honor of Prof. J. David Archibald (San Diego State University, San Diego, USA), the leader of the URBAC project.

Holotype: ZIN PH 1/16

Locality: Dzharakuduk, N42°06’21”, E62°37’45”, Central Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan.

Horizon: Lower part? Of the Bissekty Formation.


Age: Upper Turonian-Coniacian Stage, Lower Senonian Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Early Late Cretaceous.

Material: Braincase.