Genus: Datai XING, NIU, MALLON & MIYASHITA, 2024
Etymology: Chinese, Datai, a composite of the lst character (syllable) each from tongda (to understand/to be sensible) and antai (stable).

Species: yingliangis XING, NIU, MALLON & MIYASHITA, 2024
Etymology:In recognition to the Yingliang Group. The Yingliang Stone Natural History Museum is operated as a public museum by the philanthropic program of the founder (Liang Liu) of the Yingliang Group, and the type specimens are curated in this museum in Shuitou, Fujiang, China.

Holotype: Ylsnhm 01002

Locality:Mazhou, 25°30'35.86"N, 115°46'33.99"E, Huichang County, Jiangxi Province, People's Republic of China.

Horizon: Third unit within the Ganzhou Group, Zhoutain Formation.


Age: Turonian Stage, Late Gallic Subepoch, Early Gulf Epoch, Middle Cretaceous-Coniacian Stage, Lower Senonian Subepoch, early Gulf Epoch, Lower Late Cretaceous.

Material: Skull, anterior presacral series, ribs, distal caudal vertebrae, pectoral girdles, left forlimb, partial left ilium, distal right femur and trunk osteoderms.

Paratype: YLSNHM 01003: Skull, anterior presacral series, pectoral girdles, left elbow (distal huemrus, proximal radius, proximal unla) and trunk osteoderms.