Genus: Gastonia KIRKLAND, 1998
Etymology: In honor of Robert Gaston, who discovered the type locality and has
contributed greatly to the research.
= Genus: Nova? BRITT & STADTMAN, 1996
= Gastonia KIKRLAND, 1997 (nomen nudum)
= Genus: Nova KIRKLAND, BURGE,
Species: burgei KIRKLAND, 1998
= Gastonia burgei KIRKLAND, 1997 (nomen nudum)
= Nova (BURGE, 1996)
Holotype: CEUM 1307
Locality: CEU locality #42GR 184v, Carol Site, Site 42EM366V, south of Price and also south of I-70 between Moab and the Utah-Colorado Border, Gaston Quarry west of the Yellow Cat Road, NE ¼, SE ¼, NE ¼, SW ¼, sec. 35, T22s, R21E on the Mollie Hogans, Grand County, Utah.
Horizon: Yellow Cat Member, Cedar Mountain Formation.
Age: Buffalogapian age, Barremian Stage, Lower Gallic Subepoch, Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Material: A nearly complete skull lacking the maxilla and mandible, and fragmentary
skeleton with several osteoderms.
Note: Paleopathology, pits on fused scutes that form the sacral shield similar
to turtle pit disease?
Referred material:
Locality: BYU locality #7510, Dalton Wells Quarry, West side of Arches National Park, north of Moab, Grand County, Utah.
Horizon: Yellow Cat Member, Cedar Mountain Formation.
Age: Buffalogapian age, Barremian Stage, Lower Gallic Subepoch, Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
BYU: Several skulls, one juvenile and skeletal elements from several specimens.
Species: lorriemcwhinneyae KINNEER, CARPENTER, & SHAW, 2016
Etymology: In honor of Lorrie McWhinney, who discovered the Gastonia bone bed in 1999.
= Gastonia burgei BRILL & CARPENTER, 2004
Holotype: DMNH 49877.
Locality: DMNH Loc. 2183 (Lorrie's Site), Grand County, East-central Utah.
Note: Exact location is on file at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science for qualified researchers.
Horizon: 3.5 m above the base of the Ruby Ranch Member, Cedar Mountain Formation.
Age: Cashenranchian age, Aptian-Albian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Material: Skull roof.
DMNH 40699, 45606, 52612, 56591, 58031, 52726: Osteoderms.
DMNH 45385, 51745: Dorsal vertebrae.
DMNH 45430, 52631, 52636, 53351: Caudal vertebrae.
DMNH 45577: Articulated caudals with osteoderms.
DMNH 45665, 49623: Cervical osteoderms.
DMNH 46860: Cervical vertebra.
DMNH 50084, 50099, 50858, 59852: Scapulae.
DMNH 50108: Right ischium.
DMNH 50188: Quadrate.
DMNH 50158: Braincase.
DMNH 50169: Partial cranium.
DMNH 50215: Left femur.
DMNH 50224: Coracoid.
DMNH 50289: Left ischium.
DMNH 51454: Scapula-coraocid.
DMNH 51710, 52025: Dorsal ribs.
DMNH 51880, 53278: Chevrons.
DMNH 52077: Fibulae.
DMNH 53000: Partial cranium with stapes.
DMNH 53009: Atlas.
DMNH 53040: Tooth.
DMNH 53069: Axis.
DMNH 53094: Right ulna.
DMNH 53716; Tibia.
DMNH 53339: Right humerus.
DMNH 53685: Left ilium.
DMNH 53883: Synacrum.
DMNH 53861.
DMNH 53737: Cervical vertebra.
DMNH 64729: Both ilia attached to sacral vertebrae.