Genus: Gobisaurus VICKARYOUS, RUSSELL, CURRIE & ZHAO, 2001
Etymology: In reference to the Gobi Desert, and Greek, sauros, “lizard”: ‘Gobi desert lizard’.
= Zhongyuansaurus XU, LU, ZHANG, JIA, HU, ZHANG, WU & JI, 2007

Species: domoculus VICKARYOUS, RUSSELL, CURRIE & ZHAO, 2001
Etymology: Domo to subjugate, and oculus, the eye.

Holotype: IVPP V12563

Locality: Is believed to have been collected from the same general area as the large theropod Chilantaisaurus maortuensis, approximately 60 km north of Chilantai (Jilantai: 39 45 N, 105 45E), on the east side of Chilantai Salt Lake (Chilantaiyen Chin), Maortu, Alashan Desert, Nei Mongol Zizhique (Inner Mongolia), China.

Horizon: Ulanhushao (Suhongtu) Formation.

Biostratigraphy :

Age: Turonian Stage, Late Gallic Subepoch, Early Gulf Epoch, Middle Cretaceous.

Material: Skull and virtually complete skeleton.

Gobisaurus domoculus (modified from VICKARYOUS, et al., 2001), Holotype: IVPP V12563.