Genus: Pinacosaurus GILMORE, 1933
Etymology: Greek, pinak- (pinax), “small board, plake” and Greek, sauros, “lizard”: “broad lizard”.
= Ninghsiasaurus YOUNG, 1965 (sic)
= Syrmosaurus MALEEV, 1952
Etymology: Greek, syrmos, “train, current, track” [anything dragged] and Greek, sauros, “lizard”: “dragging lizard”.
= Viminicaudus HUENE, 1958 (sic)

Species: grangeri GILMORE, 1933
Etymology: In honor of Granger.
= Pinacosaurus granger PARK, SON, LEE, LEE. KIM & TGOSTBAATAR, 2024 (sic)

Holotype: AMNH 6523

Locality: Bayan Zag (= Bayn Dzak, Shabarakh Usu GILMORE, 1943), Ömnögov (South Gobi), Mongolia.

Horizon: Djadochta Formation.


Age: Middle Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: A badly crushed skull and jaws and a few scattered dermal bones.

Pinacosaurus grangeri (modified from GILMORE, 1933 and ARBOUR, 2015), Holotype: AMNH 6523.

Referred material:


Number: Not given: Pinacosaurus skull and neck encased in diagenetically enhanced burrows.

Number: Not given: Skull with insect boreings from "Andrew's Fortress".

MARYANSKA, 1971/1977

ZPAL MgDII/I: Skull and fragmentary skeleton of a juvenile.


Pinacosaurus grangeri (after MARYANSKA, 1977), ZPAL MgDII/I.

ZPAL MgDII./9: Fragments of a shoulder girdle, almost complete manus, pelvic girdle, sacral and caudal vertebrae and hind limb.

ZPAL MgDII/31: Fragments of shoulder girdle, dorsal, sacral and caudal vertebrae, pelvic girdle, hind limbs, fragments of armor.

ZPAL MgDII/32: Fragments of caudal portion of vertebral column.

ZPAL MgDII/2: Fragments of armor.

Note: Same locality of the type of Syrmosaurus viminicaudus.



Locality: Locality 100, North Canyon, Bayan Mandahu, Urad Houqi Banner, Bayan Nor League, Inner Mongolia (Nei Mongolia), China.

Horizon: Bayan Mandahu Formation, correlative to Djadochta Formation.


Age: Middle Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


IVPP V16853: Complete juvenile skull and neck rings.

IVPP V16283: Partial juvenile skull.


Locality: Locality 101, North Canyon, Bayan Mandahu, Urad Houqi Banner, Bayan Nor League, Inner Mongolia (Nei Mongolia), China.

Horizon: Bayan Mandahu Formation, correlative to Djadochta Formation.


Age: Middle Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


IVPP V16854: An almost complete skeleton.


Locality: Locality 106, North Canyon, Bayan Mandahu, Urad Houqi Banner, Bayan Nor League, Inner Mongolia (Nei Mongolia), China.

Horizon: Bayan Mandahu Formation, correlative to Djadochta Formation.


Age: Middle Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


IVPP V16346: Incomplete sub-adult skull.


Locality: Unknown, Bayan Mandahu, Urad Houqi Banner, Bayan Nor League, Inner Mongolia (Nei Mongolia), China.

Horizon: Bayan Mandahu Formation, correlative to Djadochta Formation.


Age: Middle Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


IVPP V16855: Skull and skeleton.



Locality: Death Row sublocality, Ukhaaa, Tolgod, Ömnögov (South Gobi), Mongolia.

Horizon: Djadochta Formation.


Age: Middle Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


IGM 100/3186: Nearly complete skull and articulated cervical vertebral series, ossified and articulated hyobranchial apparatus, cervical ribs, first cervical ostodermal half ring, left radius, and associated osteoderms.

Note: Has a preserved larynx. (YOSHIDA, KOBAYASHI & NORELL, 2023

Number: Not given: A partial postcranial skeleton.

LESSEM, 1989/

Locality: Mongolia.



Age: Late Cretaceous.


Number: Not given: Skull and fragmentary skeleton.

Number: Not given: Juvenile skeletons.


RTMP 90.301.1: Skull and cervical ring.


MARYANSKA, 1971/1977

Locality: Alag Teeg, Ömnögov (South Gobi), Mongolia.

Horizon: Barun Goyot svita, Equivalent to the Djadochta Formation.


Age: Middle Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


PIN 3144: Undescribed fragments of skulls and skeletons of several individuals of various age.


MPC 100/1307 (Field number PJC2001.7): Right tarsals, metatarsals, and phalanges.

MPC 100/1308 (Field number PJC2003.45, Ank K): Right and left distal ends of tibiae plus tarsals, metatarsals and phalanges of a single individual.

MPC 100/1309 (Field number PJC2003.46): Left pedal pahalnges IV-1, IV-2, IV-4.

MPC 100/1310 (Field number PJC2003.49, Ank D): Left arm including humerus, radius, ulna, 1 carpal, 5 metacarpals and 5 proximal phalanges.

MPC 100/1311 (Field number PJC2003.54, Ank B): Tibia, fibula, 2 tarsals, and 3 left pedal phalanges.

MPC 100/1312 (Field number PJC2003.55, Ank I): Pieces of numerous pedal phalanges.

MPC 100/1313 (Field number PJC2003.56, Ank I): Pedal phalanges III-2, IV-1, and IV-3.

MPC 100/1314 (Field number PJC2003.58, Ank E): Distal ends of the right radius and ulna, plus most of the hand.

MPC 100/1315 (Field number PJC2003.59, Ank H): 9 manual phalanges from a small individual, and 4 manual phalanges from an adult.

MPC 100/1316 (Field number PJC2003.60, Ank F): Distal ends of tibiae and fibulae plus booth feed of a single individual.

MPC 100/1317 (Field number PJC2003.62, Ank N): Manual phalanx ?V-2 (right hand) plus other fragments.

MPC 100/1318 (Field number PJC2003.63, Ank A): Right manual phalanges I-I, II-II, III-1, ?V-2.

MPC 100/1319 (Field number PJC2003.48, Ank L): Left pes.

MPC 100/1320 (Field number PJC2003.61, Ank G): Distal ends of tibia and fibula plse right foot.

MPC 100/1321 (Field number PJC2004.13, Ank T): Skull and assorted bones.

MPC 100/1322 (Field number PJC2004.13, Ank S): 2 individuals mixed with 2 qudrates, coracoid, right ulna, ischium, and 3 femora.

MPC 100/1323 (Field number PJC2004.14, Ank R): Right ulna, hand found 2 feet from the same individual. Note: Might be same indivuals as 100/1326.

MPC 100/1324 (Field number PJC2004.15, Ank Q): Osteodemrs, 8 vertebrae, coracoid, etc. Note: Possibly of either MPC 100/1325 or MPC 100/1326.

MPC 100/1325 (Field number PJC2004.16, Ank O): Right hand (Possibley the same individual as MPC 100/26).

MPC 100/1326 (Field number PJC2004.14, Ank R): Forearm, hand, and associated tail.

MPC 100/1327 (Field number PJC2003.50, Ank D): Left tibia and foot.

MPC 100/1328 (Field number PJC2003, 57, Ank M): Left foot.

MPC 100/1329 (Field number PJC2005.25, Ank U): Vertebral centra, manual ungual, left fot, right metatarsals and phalanges.

MPC 100/1330 (Field number PJC2005.26, Ank V): Neck plates, vertebrae and hand.

MPC 100/1331 (Field number PJC2005.27, Ank W): Complete right foot.

MPC 100/1332 (Field number PJC2005.27, Ank X): Scapula, coracoid and ribs.

MPC 100/1333 (Field number PJC2005.29, Ank Y): Ilia, both humeri, radius and ulna, both hands and 1 foot of a large individual.

MPC 100/1334 (Field number PJC2005.30, Ank Z): Tibia, fibula, distal tarsal, 2 metatarsals, phalanges, seecond individual with small fibulae.

MPC 100/1335 (Field number PJC2005.31, Ank AA): Skul, 2 arms and leg.

MPC 100/1336 (Field number PJC2005.32, Ank BB): Osteoderms.

MPC 100/1337 (Field number PJC2006.161): Rignt manus.

MPC 100/1338 (Field number PJC2006.141): Partial manus.

MPC 100/1339 (Field number PJC2006.142): Left tibia, fibula, and foot, (PJC2006.143): Right tibia, fibula and foot, (PJC2006.144): Right ulna, radius and hand.

MPC 100/1340 (Field number PJC2006.145): Right radius, distal ulna and hand.

MPC 100/1341 (Field number PJC2006.147): Distal ends of right radius and ulna, manus.

MPC 100/1342 (Field number PJC2006.148): Left tibia, fibula and pes.

MPC 100/1343 (Field number PJC2006.149): Left partial femur, tibia, fibula and foot, (PJC2006.151): Right foot.

MPC 100/1344 (Field number PJC2006.152): Skull and cervical vertebrae, (PJC2006.154): Second cervical ring, (PJC3006.150): Articulated string of dorsal vertebrae, (PJC2006.155): Scapula, (PJC2006.153): Right humerus, (PJC2006.156): Right femur, (PJC2006.157): Left Femur, (PJC2006.159): Tail.

MPC 100/1345 (Field number PJC2006.158): Cervical half ring and thoracic rib.

MPC 100/1346 (Field number PJC2006.160): Coracoid and right humerus.

MPC 100/1347 (Field number PJC2006.162): Right frontal from close to baseline near MPC 100/1344 (but clearly not the same individual).








ZPAL MbD-II/27: Small fragment of a postcranial osteoderm.



Locality: Baga Tarjac, Dornogovi, Mongolia.



Age: Late Cretaceous.


PIN 4043: Cranial fragments.


Locality: Shilt-Ula, Mongolia.



Age: Late Cretaceous.


PIN 3780/3: Skull.


= Pinacosaurus cf. grangeri BUFFETAUT & TONG, 1995/WIMAN, 1933/BUFFETAUT, 1995

Locality: Tienjianotun (T’ien-Ch’iao-T’un), a village 15 li southwest of the city of Laiyang, Shandong (Shantung) Province, China.

Horizon: Wangshi Group.


Age: Late Cretaceous.


Upsala Palaeontological Institution, R264: A sacrum with a right ilium.

R265a-d: 4 caudal vertebrae.

Number: Not given: Isolated middle caudal vertebra.

Number: Not given: Left femur and scute.


Ankylosauridae incertae sedis DASHZEVEG, NOVACEK, NORELL, CLARK, CHIAPPE, DAVIDSON, McKENNA, DINGUS, WISHER & ALTANGEREL, 1995 (= Pinacosaurus grangeri HILL, WITMER & NORELL, 2000, 2003)

Locality: Ukhaa Tolgod, near the salt extraction settlement of Daus, northeastern Nemegt Basin, Gurvan Tes Somon, Ömnögov (South Gobi), Mongolia.

Horizon: Djadokhta Formation or the Barun Goyot Formation.


Age: Middle Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


IGM 100/1014: Skull, mandible and osteoderms of a juvenile.


= Pinacosaurus ninghsieneis YOUNG, 1935


Locality: Bayanmandhu, Urad-houqi, N. Alashan, NW of Ninghsia Province, China.

Horizon: Unnamed deposit, equavalent to Djadokhta Formation.


Age: Middle Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: Fragmentary maxilla, fragmentary dentary, teeth, 23 fragmentary vertebrae, fragmentary ribs, fragmentary scapula, fragmentary right humerus, fragmentary ilium, fragmentary ischia, right femur, tibiae, 2 metacarpals or metatarsals and dermal osteoderms.

Referred material:

Specimen A: A fragmentary humerus or tibia.

Specimen B: 2 slender long bones.

Specimen C: Fragments of an ulna?

Specimen D. An ilium?


= Syrmosaurus viminocaudus MALEEV, 1952
= Syrmosaurus viminicaudus MALEEV, 1956 (sic)

Holotype: PIN 614

Locality: Bayan Zag (= Bayn Dzak, Shabarakh Usu GILMORE, 1943), Ömnögov (South Gobi), Mongolia.

Horizon: Djadochta Formation.


Age: Middle Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: Fragmentary skeleton lacking a skull, with armor and tail club.


Species: mephistocephalus GODEFROIT, PEREDA-SUBERBIOLA, LI & DONG, 1999
Etymology: Mephisto, abridged name for Mephistopheles, the name in Faust’s legend of the devil who made a pact with him; Greek, kephale, “head”. The head of the holotype of Pinacosaurus mephistocehpalus is  reminiscent of a devil’s head.
= DONG, 1992

Holotype: IMM 96BM3/1

Locality: Quarry SBDE 96BM3, 41°47.269’N, 106°43.573’E, 1239 m alt., Bayan Mandahu, Urad Houqi Banner, Bayan Nor League, Inner Mongolia (Nei Mongolia), China.

Horizon: Bayan Mandahu Formation, correlative to Djadochta Formation.


Age: Middle Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: Skull, dentary and nearly complete articulated skeleton, with cervical dermal armor and tail club in place, the left arm and a great portion of the left part of the pelvic girdle and hindlimb are missing.


Top, dorsal and bottom ventral view of tail club (modified from GODEFROIT, PEREDA-SUBERBIOLA, LI & DONG, 1999).