Genus: Scutellosaurus COLBERT, 1981
Etymology: Scutello, from Latin scutellum- a little shield, in reference to the numerous small scutes that distinguish this dinosaur and Greek sauros, “lizard: “Small-shield lizard”.

Species: lawleri COLBERT, 1981
Etymology: In honor of Mr. David Lawler, who discovered and collected the type.

Holotype: MNA Pl. 175

Locality: MNA Locality 219, near Rock Head, West Moenkopi Plateau on Ward Terrace, about 6 miles (10 kilometers), southwest of Sand Springs and 3 kilometers (2 miles), west by North of Sand Valley, on the Navajo Indian Reservation, Arizona.

Horizon: Kayenta Formation, Glen Canyon Group.


Age: ?Sinemurian-Pliesbachian Stage, Middle Lias Epoch, Middle Early Jurassic.

Material: An almost complete associated skeleton, consisting of: the premaxillae, partially preserved, with some erupting teeth, the right maxilla with 7 erupted teeth and with the nasals displaced over the lateral surface of the maxilla, another maxillary fragment, the left maxilla with 5 erupted teeth, a fragment possibly of a paroccipital process of the opsithotic, the right and left dentaries lacking their posterior parts, the left dentary containing 18 erupted teeth (which appears to be the complete sequence), the less complete right dentary with 10 erupted teeth, 21 presacal vertebral centra and several partial and complete neural arches being separate in the presacal vertebrae, 58 caudal vertebrae with neural arches, several chevrons, innumerable rib fragments and partial ribs, right and left scapulae and coracoids, the scapulae lacking their vertebral borders, right and left ilia, partially preserved, and several parts of the pubes and ischia, right and left humerus, the distal end of the right radius and the proximal and distal ends of the left radius and ulna, various bones of the manus on each side, right and left femora, right tibia and astragalus and left tibia, proximal end of the right fibula and the left fibula, a possible distal tarsal, various bones of the right and left pedes, more than 300 dermal scutes.


MNA Pl.1752

Locality: Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology Field Number 77 AR/4, along Gold Spring Wash about 6 miles (11 Kilometers), northwest of Rock Head, Arizona.

Horizon: Kayenta Formation, Glen Canyon Group.


Age: ?Sinemurian-Pliesbachian Stage, Middle Lias Epoch, Middle Early Jurassic.

Material: A partial skeleton, consisting of: 4 presacral centra, 2 sacral centra, 44 caudal centra, some which are incomplete, 2 fragments of a scapula, 2 fragments of a humerus, 2 fragments of an ulna, pelvic fragments, the right and left femora and tibiae, a calcaneum, the distal end of a fibula, fragmentary bones from the pedes, fragmentary scutes, about 15 in number and unidentified bone fragments.

Referred material:

BREEDEN & ROWE, 2015, 2020

Locality: TMM 43647: Hummingbird Canyon, Adeii Echii Cliffs, Navajo Nation, Coconino County, Northern Arizona.

Horizon: 'middle third' of the Silty Faces, Kayenta Formation, Glen Canyon Group.


Age: ?Sinemurian-Toarcian Stage, Middle-Late Lias Epoch, Middle Early Jurassic.


TMM 43647-7: A fragment of a ?premaxilla with a single visible tooth crown, a ventral porion of the left quadrate, a partial atalanal neural arch, at least 6 uncrushed partial trunk centra, a trunk rib fragment, 3 metapodial fragments, and last least 5 partial osteoderms.

TMM 43647-8: A trunk centrum and a partial osteoderm.

TMM 43647-11: Partial left and right fronatls, 3 maxilla fragments, 2 fragments of the right jugal, the ventral portion of the right quadrate, a nearly complete right dentary missing its teeth, a metacarpal, 2 manual phalanges, the postacetabular process of the right ilium, and osteoderm fragments.

TMM 43647-12: Fragments of trunk centra, caudal centra, and ostederms.


Locality: TMM 43648: Painte Canyon General, Adeii Echii Cliffs, Navajo Nation, Coconino County, Northern Arizona.

Horizon: 'middle third' of the Silty Faces, Kayenta Formation, Glen Canyon Group.


Age: ?Sinemurian-Toarcian Stage, Middle-Late Lias Epoch, Middle Early Jurassic.


TMM 43648-13: A nearly complete left frontal, a fragment of the ?parietal, 2 partial trunk neural archs, 2 partial trunk centra, a partial left scapula, a partial left humerus, including complete proximal and distal ends, the ulnar condyle of the right humerus, the distal end of a metatasal and osteoderm fragments.


Locality: TMM 43656: Gerald's Turtle,Adeii Echii Cliffs, Navajo Nation, Coconino County, Northern Arizona.

Horizon: 'middle third' of the Silty Faces, Kayenta Formation, Glen Canyon Group.


Age: ?Sinemurian-Toarcian Stage, Middle-Late Lias Epoch, Middle Early Jurassic.


TMM 43656-2: 1 sacral centrum, 8 partial caudal vertebrae, a proximal fragment of a pedal phalanx, 2 nearly complete osteoderms, and other osteoderm fragments.

TMM 43656-3: Axis centrum, 1 complete and at least 4 partial trunk centra, a partial sacral centrum, several trunk rib fragments, 3 fragments of the left humerus including the proximal end, a midshaft fragment, and the ulnar condyle, 9 partial osteoderms, and several other indeterminate fragments.


Locality: TMM 43661: Rock Head Tritylodont, Adeii Echii Cliffs, Navajo Nation, Coconino County, Northern Arizona.

Horizon: 'middle third' of the Silty Faces, Kayenta Formation, Glen Canyon Group.


Age: ?Sinemurian-Toarcian Stage, Middle-Late Lias Epoch, Middle Early Jurassic.


TMM 43661-1: 2 cervical centra, 4 trunk centra, at least 2 partial cervical neural aches, 2 sacral centra, a partial right scapula and several fragments of the right ilium.


Locality: TMM 43663: East Paiute Valley No. 1, Adeii Echii Cliffs, Navajo Nation, Coconino County, Northern Arizona.

Horizon: 'middle third' of the Silty Faces, Kayenta Formation, Glen Canyon Group.


Age: ?Sinemurian-Toarcian Stage, Middle-Late Lias Epoch, Middle Early Jurassic.


TMM 43663-1: A partial associated skeleton including cranial and postcranial remains.


Locality: TMM 43664: East Piute Valley No. 2, Adeii Echii Cliffs, Navajo Nation, Coconino County, Northern Arizona.

Horizon: 'middle third' of the Silty Faces, Kayenta Formation, Glen Canyon Group.


Age: ?Sinemurian-Toarcian Stage, Middle-Late Lias Epoch, Middle Early Jurassic.


TMM 43664-1: A partial associated skeleton including cranial and postcranial remains.

TMM 43664-2: Isolated and possibly associated cranial and postcranial remains including 2 partial teeth, at least 23 partial trunk centra, portions of at least 3 sacral centra, portions of at least 24 caudal centra, neural arch and chevron fragments, trunk rib fragments, 2 fragments of a scapula, the distal end of a left radius, a manual phalanx, 2 partial manual unguals, phalangeal fragments, weathered portions of the femora and the tibiae, proximal potions of the left and right fibulae, unidentified midshaft portions of long bones, 4 fragments of possible tarsals, at least 100 partial osteoderms and other unidentified bones.

TMM 43664-1, 4366-2 (collected together under the same field number T 97/48): 2 individuals based on the number and relative sizes preserved sacral vertebrae.

TMM 43664-1: A single individual including a complete series of 5 sacral vertebrae.

TMM 43664-2: Mostly weathered out at the surface, including three sacral from a smaller individual.


Locality: TMM 43669: Gold Spring wash, Adeii Echii Cliffs, Navajo Nation, Coconino County, Northern Arizona.

Horizon: 'middle third' of the Silty Faces, Kayenta Formation, Glen Canyon Group.


Age: ?Sinemurian-Toarcian Stage, Middle-Late Lias Epoch, Middle Early Jurassic.


TMM 43669-5: A small fragment of a dentary containing the root of a tooth, several fragments of at least 2 vertebrae, 10 partial osteoderms and other indeterminate fragments.

TMM 43669-6: A cervical centrum, a caudal vertebra and a right tibia.


Locality: TMM 43670: Ted's Turtle Town, Adeii Echii Cliffs, Navajo Nation, Coconino County, Northern Arizona.

Horizon: 'middle third' of the Silty Faces, Kayenta Formation, Glen Canyon Group.


Age: ?Sinemurian-Toarcian Stage, Middle-Late Lias Epoch, Middle Early Jurassic.


TMM 43670-5: A partial dentary bearing 3 teeth, 5 partial trunk centra, 2 sacral centra, 2 proximal trunk neural arches, a proximal portion of the left humerus, proximal and distal portions of the left femur, a distal portion of the left fibula, indeterminate long bone midshaft fragments, a partial osteoderm and other indeterminate fragments.

TMM 43670-7: Partial left femur missing its distal end, left tibia, and badly weathered vertebra, osteoderm and other fragments.

TMM 43670-8: 1 trunk centrum and 1 osteoderm.


Locality: TMM 43687: Gold Spring General, Adeii Echii Cliffs, Navajo Nation, Coconino County, Northern Arizona.

Horizon: 'middle third' of the Silty Faces, Kayenta Formation, Glen Canyon Group.


Age: ?Sinemurian-Toarcian Stage, Middle-Late Lias Epoch, Middle Early Jurassic.


TMM 43687-9: A partial sacral neural arch, a sacral centrum, a partial proximal caudal vertebra, a small rib fragment, a right femur missing its distal end, a left femur missing its proximal end, and 2 partial osteoderms.

TMM 43687-16: Tooth-bearing fragments of both maxillae closely appressed to one another, a possible central portion of the parietal, other possible cranial fragments, at least 11 partial trunk vertebrae, at least 2 partial sacral vertebrae, 1 partial caudal vertebrae, other vertebral fragments proximal and distal portions of the right humerus, the distal portion of the left humerus, the distal end of the left femur, fragments of at least 2 metatarsals, fragment of at least 4 pedal phalanges, and at least 8 osteoderms.

TMM 43687-17: The proximal portion of a left femur, 2 proximal fragments of a ?left fibula, 3 partial osteoderms and other indeterminate fragments.

TMM 43687-22: A cervical centrum, an anterior fragments of another cervical centrum, a trunk centrum, an isolated ?trunk prezagapophysis, 2 partial anterior caudal vertebrae, 1 partial posterior caudal vertebra, 3 trunk rib fragments, the proximal end of a right humerus, the proximal portion of a right ?radius, 3 fragments of the left ilium, the distal end of a right femur, the proximal end of a left tibia, the distal end of a right tibia, proximal and distal fragments of a right metatarsal III, 2 pedal phalanges, 1 phalangeal fragment, 1 pedal ungual, a weathered osteoderm and other indeterminate fragments.

TMM 43687-42: Vertebral, rib, osteoderm, and other indeterminate bone fragments encrusted with iron oxide.

TMM 43687-50: Fragments of vertebrae and osteoderms.

TMM 43687-57: At least 8 partial trunk vertebrae, at least 15 partial caudal vertebrae, at least 6 partial osteoderms and other indeterminate fragments.

TMM 43687-75: 4 partial cervical vertebrae, 5 partial trunk vertebrae, 6 caudal vertebrae, 10 neural arch fragments, a fragmentary left femur, a distal pedal phalanx, 13 partial osteoderms, and several other unidentified fragments.

TMM 43687-81: A proximal portion of a trunk rib, the proximal end of a right fibula, 1 nearly complete osteoderm and other unidentified fragments.

TMM 43687-96: Partial phalanx and osteoderm.

TMM 43687.112: Fragments of a trunk vertebra, the distal end of the left metatarsal III, a distal portion of a pedal phalanx, a complete pedal phalanx that articulates with the distal phalangeal fragment and other fragments.

TMM 43687-114: A partial trunk vertebra, a distal portion of right metatarsal II, and a partial osteoderm.

TMM 43687-115: A trunk centrum with fragments of its associated neural arch, a proximal portion of the left humerus, proximal and distal portions of the right humerus, a proximal portion of a ?metatarsal, a partial osteoderm and other indeterminate fragments.

TMM 43687-116: A partial trunk centrum, the distal portion of a left metatarsal IV and 12 partial osteoderms.

TMM 43687-121: The ventral portion of a right quadrate, a proximal trunk rib, a distal pedal phalanx and several partial osteoderms.

TMM 43687-122: 1 trunk centrum and an osteoderm.

TMM 43687-124: 11 osteoderm fragments.


Locality: TMM 43691: Painute North, Adeii Echii Cliffs, Navajo Nation, Coconino County, Northern Arizona.

Horizon: 'middle third' of the Silty Faces, Kayenta Formation, Glen Canyon Group.


Age: ?Sinemurian-Toarcian Stage, Middle-Late Lias Epoch, Middle Early Jurassic.


TMM 43691-20: A partial osteoderm.


Locality: TMM 45608: Gold Spring South, Adeii Echii Cliffs, Navajo Nation, Coconino County, Northern Arizona.

Horizon: 'middle third' of the Silty Faces, Kayenta Formation, Glen Canyon Group.


Age: ?Sinemurian-Toarcian Stage, Middle-Late Lias Epoch, Middle Early Jurassic.


TMM 45608-3: 8 cervical centrum fragments, 2 centrum fragments that may be from a posterior cervical or an anterior trunk vertebra, 5 partial trunk centra, a nearly complete right humerus preserved in three pieces, a portion of an ulna or radius, several partial and complete osteoderms and other indeterminate fragments.


Locality: TMM 45609: Eocaecilia Quarry, Adeii Echii Cliffs, Navajo Nation, Coconino County, Northern Arizona.

Horizon: 'middle third' of the Silty Faces, Kayenta Formation, Glen Canyon Group.


Age: ?Sinemurian-Toarcian Stage, Middle-Late Lias Epoch, Middle Early Jurassic.


TMM 45609-4: An osteoderm and other indeterminate fragments.

TMM 45609-6: An atlas intercentrum, fragments of at least 4 cervical vertebrae and other fragments.


Locality: TMM 47001: Southwest Paiute Canyon, Adeii Echii Cliffs, Navajo Nation, Coconino County, Northern Arizona.

Horizon: 'middle third' of the Silty Faces, Kayenta Formation, Glen Canyon Group.


Age: ?Sinemurian-Toarcian Stage, Middle-Late Lias Epoch, Middle Early Jurassic.


TMM 47001-1: 1 complete and 2 partial trunk centra, at least 2 partial trunk neural arches, several trunk rib fragments including 1 complete proximal end and other indeterminate fragments.




Locality: UCMP locality V85010, northern Arizona.

Horizon: Kayenta Formation, Glen Canyon Group.


Age: ?Sinemurian-Pliesbachian Stage, Middle Lias Epoch, Middle Early Jurassic.


UCMP 130580: Right jugal, fragmentary quadrate, left frontal, right frontal, basioccipital, parietal, left and right quadrate, fragmentary dentaries, 2 bones of the carpus, metacarpal 3rd or 4th, axis, 33 complete centra (5 cervical, 8 thoracic, 2 sacral and 18 caudals), incomplete scapula, fragmentary humerus, fragmentary ulna, fragmentary radius, unguals, femora, proximal ends of both fibulae, left asragalus, odontoid, left astragalus, left (perhaps 2nd) tarsal, left metapodium, phalanges, fragmentary right ilium, shaft of left ischium, proximal end of left ischium, and osteoderms.

UCMP 170829: Frontal, fragmentary humerus, fragmentary radius, femur, astragalus.

UCMP 130581:

UCMP 175166: Fragmentary humerus.

UCMP 175167:

UCMP 175168: Fragmentary humerus.