Genus: Yuxisaurus YAO, BARRETT, YANG, XU & BI, 2022
Etymology: In reference to the type locality in Yuxi Prefecture, and Greek, sauros, "lizard."

Species: kopchicki YAO, BARRETT, YANG, XU & BI, 2022
Etymology: In honor of Dr. John J. Kopchick, in recognition of his contributions to biology at the UUP Science Building.

Holotype: CVEB 21,701

Locality: Near Jiaojidian Village, Yimen County, Yuxi Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China.

Horizon: Upper part of the Fengjihe Formation.


Age: Late Sinemurian-Toarcian Stage, Lias Epoch, Early Jurassic.

Material: Right fused maxilla, lacrimal, nasal, prefrontal, jugal, and subpraorbitals, braincase, partial skull roof, posterior parts of the hemimandibles, 4 articulated cervical vertebrae, 5 dorsal vertebrae, left and right distal scapulae, right humerus, left distal femur, more than 120 osteoderms, and several unidentifiable elements.