Genus: Archaeopteryx MEYER, 1861
Etymology: Greek, archae, "ancient" and Greek, pteryx, “wing”: “Ancient
= Archaaeopteryx HOU, ZHOU, GU, & ZHANG, 1995 (sic)
= Archaeopterix (Anonymous) 1862
Etymology: Greek, archae, "ancient" and Latin, ornis, “bird”:
"Ancient Bird".
= Archeopteryx OWEN, 1864 (sic)
= Griphornis WOODWARD, 1862 (nomen rejectum)
Etymology: Greek, gryphos, "enigma" and Latin, ornis, “bird”: "Enigma
= Griphosaurus WAGNER, 1861
Etymology: Greek, gryphos, "enigma" and Greek, sauros, "lizard."
= Gryphornis LAMBRECHT, 1933 (sic)
= Gryphosaurus MARSCHALL, 1873 (sic)
Species: lithographica MEYER, 1861
Etymology: In reference to the lithographic limestone where the specimen was
= Archaeopteryx oweni PETRONIEVICS, 1917
Species: lithographica MEYER, 1861
Etymology: In reference to the lithographic limestone where the specimen was
Holotype: MB.Av.100/BSP 1869 VIII I
Locality: Kohler’s cut in community quarry of the community of Solnhofen, Bayern (Bavaria) State, Germany.
Horizon: Solonhofen, Lithographic limestone.
Age: Tithonian Stage, Upper Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Material: A feather.
From Meyer, 1856
MEYER, 1861 (London Specimen)
Etymology: In reference to the lithographic limestone where the specimen was found.
= Archaeopteryx oweni Petronievics, 1921 [nomen oblitum 1961 - ICZN Opinion 607]
Meyer, 1861 (London Specimen, second specimen)
Etymology: In honor of Richard Owen.
= Archaeopteryx lithographica (Meyer, 1861)
= Griphosaurus problematicus Wagner, 1861 [nomen oblitum 1961 - ICZN Opinion 607]
Etymology: Latin, problematicus, "problem."
= Archeopteryx macurus Owen, 1862 [nomen oblitum 1961 - ICZN Opinion 607]
Etymology: Greek, macro, "large" and Greek, ura, "tail."
= Archeopteryx macurua Owen, 1863[nomen oblitum 1961 - ICZN Opinion 607]
= Gryphornis longicaudatus Woodward, 1862 [nomen oblitum 1961 - ICZN Opinion 607]
Etymology: Latin, longus, "long" and Latin, cauda, "tail": Long-tail.
= Griphosaurus longicaudatus (Woodward, 1862) Owen, 1862 ([nomen oblitum 1961 - ICZN Opinion 607]
Holotype: BMNH 37001
Locality: Langenaltheim Haardt (former Ottmann Quarry), near Pappenheim, Bayern (Bavaria) State, Germany.
Horizon: 3.5 m below the upper surface of the Sieben-Lumpen-Schicht, Upper Solnhofen Member, Altmühltal Formation (old Solnhofen, Lower Upper Lithographic Limestone, Malm Zeta 2b).
Biostratigraphy: Hybonoticeras hybonotum zone.
Age: Upper Tithonian Stage, Upper Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Material: Fragmentary skull and skeleton with feather impressions, lacking right pes, and some of the manus.
The London specimen; A) schematic after de Beer, (1954); B, C) new reconstruction of its skeleton; A) dorsal
(based on Wellnhofer, 2009), and C) lateral views.
Modified from MARTIN, 1995, BMNH 37001
BRUNER, 1991
FMNH P25022: Cast of Holotype before preparation.
FMNH PA 308: Cast of Holotype after preparation.
Referred material:
HELLER, 1959 (Maxberg specimen)
Locality: Optisch’s quarry in Langenaltheim region of Bavaria, Langenaltheimer Haardt, Bayern (Bavaria) State, Germany.
Horizon: Upper Solnhofen Member, Altmühltal Formation (old Solnhofen, Lower Upper Lithographic Limestone, Malm Zeta 2b).
Biostratigraphy: Hybonoticeras hybonotum zone.
Age: Upper Tithonian Stage, Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Maxberg Museum: Cervical, dorsal vertebrae, furcula, left and right humeri, left and right ulna and radii, left and right metacarpals I, II and III, phalanges and unguals, scapula, femur, tibia, fibula, tarsometatarsus, ribs and feather impressions.
A) schematic of skeleton; B) reconstruction of skeleton; B) dorsal and C) lateral views.
(Archaeopteryx no. 9) ROEPER, 2004 (nicknamed Chicken Wing)
Locality: Quarry "Alter Steinberg", Solenhofen, Bavaria (Bayern) State, Germany.
Horizon: Upper Solnhofen Member, Altmühltal Formation (old Upper Solnhofen Formation, Malm Zeta 2b).
Age: Upper Tithonian Stage, Upper Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Material: Wing and feather impressions?
Species: siemensii DAMES, 1897
Etymology: In honor of Werner von Siemens (1816-1892), a Berlin industrialist that bought the Berlin Archaeopteryx specimen for himself, then made it available to the Berlin museum.
= Archaeopteryx siemensii DAMES, 1897 (Berlin specimen)
= Archaeornis siemensii (DAMES, 1897) PETERONIEVICS
Holotype: PAMNHUB MB 1880/81.4598
Locality: Dorr cut, Dorr’s quarry at Blumberg just outside of the city of Eichstatt, Bayern (Bavaria) State, Germany.
Horizon: Lower Eichstätt Member, Altmühltal Formation (old Lower Upper Lithographic Limestone, Solnhofen, Malm Zeta 2b).
Biostratigraphy: Middle Hybonotum Zone.
Age: Lower Lower Tithonian Stage, Upper Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Material: Skull, skeleton and feather impressions.
A) skull in situ; B) reconstruction of the skull.
Archaeopteryx siemensii Holotype: Part PAMNHUB MB 1880/81.4598.
Note: MARTIN & LIM, 2005 show the wings have a prepatagium.
Counter part: PAMNHUB MB 1880/81.4599
Archaeopteryx siemensii; A) schematic of skeleton after de Beer, (1954); B, C) new reconstruction of skeleton;
B) dorsal (based in Wellnhofer, 2009) and C) lateral views.
Referred material:
MAYR, POHL & PETERS, 2005 ("Thermopolis specimen, no. 10")
Locality: Unknown, Solnhofen area, Bayern (Baveria) State, Germany.
Horizon: Upper Eichstätt Member, Altmühltal Formation.
Age: Middle Tithonian Stage, Upper Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
WEC-CSG-100: Skull and skeleton.
Archaeopteryx siemensii (after MAYR, POHL, HARTMAN & PETERS, 2007), WEC-CSG-100.
A) Skull after Mayr, Pohl, Hartman & Peters, (2007) and B) new reconstruction.
Note: Feather impressions on the wing and tail.
A) Schematic of specime: B, C) reconstruction of skeleton: B) dorsal and C) lateral views.
Species: vicensis (Anonymous) vide LAMBRECHT,
1933 (nomen dubium)
This name was found on an Italian museum specimen. No other data is available.
Note: The above species may be a pterosaur according to O. KLEINSCHMIDT (BRODKORB, 1978)
Species: bavarica WELLNHOFER, 1993
Etymology: bavarica Latin for Bayerisch.
Holotype: Private collection
Locality: Limestone quarries of the Langenaltheimer Haarddt (quarry of Solenhofer Aktien-Verein), 11 m above the upper surface of the Sieben-Lumpen-Schicht, Solnhofen, Bayern (Bavaria) State, Germany.
Horizon: Upper Solnhofen Member, Altmühltal Formation (old Lower Upper Lithographic Limestone, Upper Solnhofen, Malm Zeta 2b.)
Age: Lower Lower Tithonian Stage, Upper Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Material: Fragmentary skull, skeleton and feathers.
Archaeopteryx bavarica (modified from WELLNHOFER, 1993), Holotype: Private collection (Munich Specimen).
A) Skull of Archaeopteryx bavarica (After Wellnhofer, 1993) and B) new reconstruction.
A) schematic of skeleton; B, C) reconstruction of skeleton; B) dorsal and C) lateral views.
Species: albersdoerferi KUNDRAT, NUDDS, KEAR, LÜ & AHLBERG, 2019
Etymology: In honor of Raimund Albersdörfer who secured the specimen for science, and is current ower of the Daiting specimen.
= (Archaeopteryx no
Holotype: SNSB BSPG VN-2010/1
Locality: Daiting, Bayern (Bavaria) State, Germany.
Horizon: Mörnsheim Formation.
Biostratigraphy: Hybonotum Zone, Moernsheimensis subzone.
Age: Lower Tithonian Stage, Upper Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Private collection: Fragmentary skull, humeri, ulnae radius, metacarpals, scapula, vertebrae and ribs.