Genus: Bohaiornis HU, LI, HOU & XU, 2011
Etymology: The genus name Bohaiornis is derived from the name of the Bohai
Sea an inland sea close to the type locality, and Greek, ornis, "bird."
Species: guoi HU, LI, HOU & XU, 2011
Etymology: In honor of Mr. Guo Chen, who collected the holotype specimen.
Holotype: LPM B00167
Locality: Lamadong Town, Jianchang County, Liaoning Province, Northeast China.
Horizon: Jiufotang Formation (orignially believed to be from the Yixian Formation, Li, et al., 2014).
Age: Aptian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Late Early Cretaceous Epoch, Late Early Cretaceous.
Material: Skull missing posterior part and a nearly complete skeleton.
Bohaiornis guoi (modified from HU, LI, HOU & XU, 2011), Holotype: LPM B00167.
Note: Feather impressions.
Referred material:
Locality: Near Lamadong Village, Jianchang County, Liaoning Province, China.
Horizon: Jiufotang Formation.
Age: Aptian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Late Early Cretaceous Epoch, Late Early Cretaceous.
IVPP V 17963: Nearly complete specimen.
Bohaiornis guoi (after LI, ZHOU, WANG, & CLARKE, 2014), IVPP V 17963.
Note: With gastroliths.