Species: yandica ZHOU, JIN & ZHANG, 1992
Etymology: From Yandu, the old name of Chaoyang where the bird was found.
Holotype: IVPP V9169A, B
Locality: Boluochi, Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province, China.
Horizon: Horizon IV, Jiufotang Formation, Upper Jehol Group.
Biostratigraphy: Psittacosaurus fauna, Cathayornis-Chaoyanga Avifauna.
Age: Barremian Stage, Lower Gallic Subepoch, Lower Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Material: Skull and fragmentary skeleton.
Modified from ZHOU, JIN & ZHANG, 1992, IVPP V9169A, B
Referred material:
IVPP V10896, V10916: Skulls and skeletons.