Species: recurva (HOWGATE, 1984) HOWGATE, 1985 (Eichstatt specimen)
Etymology: Recurva in reference to the recurved teeth.
= Archaeopteryx recurva HOWGATE, 1984
Holotype: Jura Museum, Eichstätt
Locality: Petershohe, Workerzell just north of Eichstatt, Bayern (Bavaria) State, Germany.
Horizon: Upper Eichstätt Member, Altmühltal Formation (old Upper Lithographic (Solnhofen) Limestone, Malm Zeta 2b).
Age: Tithonian Stage, Upper Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Material: Skull and most of the skeleton, with feather impressions.
Note: This genus is in question (Chiappe pers com.)