Species: alexi MARTIN, 1983
Etymology: In honor of Alexander Wetmore, a former University of Kansas student
and the most distinguished avian paleontologist of his time.
Holotype: KUVP 2287
Locality: KUVP Gra-2, west of Hill City, Graham County, Kansas.
Horizon: Smoky Hill Chalk Member, Niobrara Formation.
Age: Coniacian Stage, Lower Senonian Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Skull and skeleton.
Paratype- partial tarsometatarsus (Wetmore, unpublished MS)
Referred material:
Locality: Logan County, Kansas.
Horizon: Smoky Hill Chalk, Niobara Chalk Formation.
Age: Coniacian Stage, Lower Senonian Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
FHSM VP-17312: An isolated tarsometatarsus.
WITMER, 1990, BELL & CHIAPPE, 2020
Locality: Andrew Bird Ranch, Gove County, Kansas.
Horizon: Smoky Hill Chalk Member, Niobrara Formation.
Age: Coniacian Stage, Lower Senonian Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
KUVP 24090: Fragment of the articular region of the right lower jaw, 4 ioslated cervical vertebrae adn at least 13 articulated posterior cervical and thoracic vertebrae, 4 articualtd free caudal vertebrae, pygostyle, pelvis, sternum, coracoid, femora, patella, adn tibiotarsi.