Genus: Shenqiornis WANG, O’CONNOR, ZHAO, CHIAPPE, GAO & CHENG, 2010
Etymology: The generic name, "Shenqiornis," celebrates the successful launch of the Shenzhou 7, China's third human mission into space.

Species: mengi WANG, O’CONNOR, ZHAO, CHIAPPE, GAO & CHENG, 2010
Etymology: In honor of Meg Qingjin for his contribution to the study and protection of Liaoxi fossils as former Director of the Dalian Natural History Museum.

Holotype: DNHM D2950 (counterpart DMNH D2951)

Locality: Senjitu area, Fengning County, Hebei Province, China.

Horizon: Qiaotou Formation.


Age: Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous.

Material: Skull and skeleton.

Note: Feather impressions preserved as carbonized traces cncentrated around head, wings and tail.

Shenqiornis mengi (modified from WANG, et al., 2010), Holotpe:  DNHM D2950, DMNH D2951).