Genus: Xinghaiornis WANG, CHIAPPE, TENG & JI, 2013
Etymology: In reference to Xinghai Square in Dalian, China, and the Xinghai Paleontological Museum where the holotype is housed, and Greek, ornis, "bird."

Species: lini WANG, CHIAPPE, TENG & JI, 2013
Etymology: In honor of Mr. Lin Zhihong for his contribution towards this investigation.

Holotype: XHPM 1121

Locality: Sihetun, Shanguan Town, Beipiao City, Liaoning Province, China.

Horizon: Yixian Formation.


Age: Early Cretaceous.

Material: Skull, skeleton and feather impressions?

Xinghaiornis lini (after WANG, CHIAPPE, TENG & JI, 2013), Holotype: XHPM 1121.