Genus: Albertaceratops RYAN, 2007
Etymology: In reference to the Alberta Province, where the specimen was found,
and Latinized Greek, ceratops, 'horned-face": Alberta horned face.
Species: nesmoi RYAN, 2007
Etymology: In honor of Cecil Nesmo, a rancher from southern Alberta, whose
assistance and hospitality has facilitated the collection of many important
specimens, including the holotype of Albertaceratops.
Holotype: RTMP 2001.26.1
Locality: Milk River badlands, south side of Milk River on the Pinhorn Grazing Reserve, approximately 15 km south of Manyberries, Forty Mile County, Southern Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Lower Oldman Formation, Middle Judith River Group.
Age: Judith Age, Middle Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: An almost complet skull.
Referred material:
Locality: Along the west side of Kennedy Coulee bordering the Milk River, near Havre, Hill County, Montana.
Horizon: Equivalent to the Lowermost Oldman Formation, middle Judith River Group.
Age: Judith Age, Middle Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Bone bed.
RTMP 2002: Left squamosal.
RTMP 2002.03.28: Right parietal ramus.
RTMP 2002.3.30: Left squamosal.
RTMP 2002.3.31: Left nasal.
RTMP 2002.3.32: Left nasal.
RTMP 2002.3.33: Left jugal.
RTMP 2002.3.34: Right quadrate.
RTMP 2002.3.35: Partial skull roof.
RTMP 2002.3.36: Left postorbital horncore.
RTMP 2002.3.37: Right nasal.
RTMP 2002.3.38: Partial ramus.
RTMP 2002.69.5, 2002.69.7: Parietals.
RMTP 2002.69.8: Right edntary.
RTMP 2002.69.9: Left premaxilla.
RTMP 2002.69.10: Right juvenile-sized postorbital horncore.
RTMP 2002.69.1-10:
RTMP 2992.28-38: Casts.
WDCB-MC-001: Partial skull.
FDMJ-V-10: Some material from the bone bed has been incorperated into a "Chasmosaurus sp" skeleton.
Privately owned skull (Sweeny skull): Skull.
WDC 1256: Partial skull.
Canada Fossils: 300 individual elements.
Nasals; A) RTMP 2002.3.37, right nasal in lateral and medial views; B) RTMP 2002.3.31, left nasal in dorsal, lateral and medial view; C) WDCB-MC-002, left nasal in lateral and medial view; D) RTMP 2002.3.31, left nasal in lateral and medial view.