Genus: Albertadromeus BROWN, EVANS, RYAN & RUSSELL, 2013
Alberta (Candian Province) and Greek, dromeus, "runner"; 'Alberta' honors
the Canadian province of Alberta wehre the only remains of the animal
are currently known, and 'dromeus,' from the Greek for the inferred cursorial
nature of this animal.
Species: syntarsus BROWN, EVANS, RYAN & RUSSELL, 2013
Greek, syn, "together," and Greek, tarsus, "ankle"; describing the autapormorphic
condition of the distal fibula being reduced and fused to
the distal tibia.
Holotype: RTMP 2009.037.0044
Locality: Canal Creek, northern section of the Pinhorn Provincial Grazing Reserve, Cypress County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Note: Detailed locality data on file with the RTMP for qulified scientist.
Horizon: Upper Oldman Formation, middle Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Midle Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Isolated cervical rib, 2 articulated dorsal vertebrae and an isolated
caudal vertebra, ossifled tendons, left tibia and fibula, fragment of right
fibula, and fragmentary metatarsal an ungual.