Genus: Archaeoceratops DONG & AZUMA, 1997
Etymology: Latin, archaeo, “ancient,” Greek, ceratops, “horn face”: Ancient horn face.

Species: oshimai DONG & AZUMA, 1997
Etymology: In honor of Mr. Oshima, the director of Chunichi-Shinbuan of Japan, who supported the Sino-Japan Silk Road Dinosaur Expedition.

Holotype: IVPP V 11114

Locality: Gongpoquan Basin, Mazongshan, Gansu (Kansu) Province, China.

Horizon: Xinminbao Group.


Age: Albian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.

Material: Skull, a series of vertebrae, dorsal, 6 sacrals and 3 caudals.

Paratype: IVPP V. 11115: An incomplete skeleton with relatively well preserved tail, a partial hind limb and a completely preserved pes.


Species: yujingziensis YOU, TANOUE & DODSON, 2010
Etymology: Chinese, in reference to the basin where the specimen was discovered, "Yujingzi".

Holotype: CAGS-IB-VD-003

Locality: Yujingzi Basin, Mazongshan area, Gansu (Kansu) Province, China.

Horizon: Xinminpu (= "Xinminbao") Group.


Age: ?Aptian-Albian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.

Material: A partial skull extending from the right premaxilla to jugal and mandibular process of the pterygoid, the distal part of the right quadrate, comlpete right mandible, a dorsal neural arch, a sacral centrum, 3 proximal caudals, a partial right scapula, both femora, 2 metatarsals, and 3 pedal phalanges.