Species: loadsi RICH & VICKERS-RICH, 1989
Etymology: In honor of William Loads in appreciation of his unfailing faith
in the support for the Dinosaur Cove project.
Holotype: NMV P166409
Locality: Point Lewis, Victoria State, Australia.
Horizon: Eumeralla Formation, Otway Group.
Age: Latest Aptian-early Albian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Material: Left maxilla fragment with one erupted cheek tooth and 3 unerupted cheek teeth which have been exposed by removal of the enclosing bone.
A) Type, NMV P166409; B) NMV P157390; C) NMV P182967.
A) Laterial view of an unerupted tooth; B) Laterial view of erupted tooth.
Referred material:
NMV P157390: Left maxilla with 7 cheek teeth.
Locality: Dinosaur Cove West, Victoria State, Australia.
Horizon: Eumeralla Formation, Otway Group.
Age: Latest Aptian-early Albian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
NMV P177934: Isolated left lower cheek tooth.
Locality: Dinosaur Cove East, Victoria State, Australia.Horizon: Eumeralla Formation, Otway Group.
Age: Latest Aptian-early Albian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
NMV P181679: Isolated left upper cheek tooth.
NMV P182967: Left dentary fragment with 11 empty alveoli along the buccal margin and 3 unerupted teeth lingual to them.
NMV P185970: Left maxilla fragment with 10 empty alveoli along the buccal margin and 3 unerupted teeth lingual to them.
Locality: Slippery Rock, Victoria State, Australia.Horizon: Eumeralla Formation, Otway Group.
Age: Latest Aptian-early Albian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
NMV P181677: An isolated, left upper cheek tooth of a juvenile missing the crown posterior to the primary ridge.
NMV P186003: Isolated left lower cheek tooth.
NMV P186847: Right anterior, dentary fragment with tips of 3 unerupted teeth visible.
NMV P187116: Isolated right upper cheek tooth.
Locality: 'Alan's #3 Hole', Eric teh Red West site, cape Otway, Victoria State, Australia.
Horizon: Eumeralla Formation, Otway Group.
Age: Latest Aptian-early Albian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
NMV P262004: Anteriorly incoplete right maxilla in two parts preserving 10 erupted teeth and 15 alveoli.
= cf. Atlascopcosaurus loadsi HERNE, NAIR, EVANS & TAIT, 2019
Locality: Flat Rocks fossil vertebrate site, 38°39’40+-02”S, 145°40’52+-03”E (World Geodetic Standard, 1984) on the shore platform of the Bunurong Marine Park, Victoria State, Australia.
Horizon: Wonthaggi Formation, Strzelecki Group.
Age: Early Aptian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Late Early Cretaceous.
NMV P208133: Partial right maxilla with erupted dentition.