Genus: Augustynolophus PRIETO-MARQUEZ, WAGNER, BELL & CHIAPPE, 2014
Etymology: In recognition of Mrs Gretchen Augustyn and her family, who have provided instrumental support to the scientific and educational programs of the Dinosaur Institute of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County; the suffix "-lophus" referes to the phylogenetic affinities of this taxon with the members of the Saurolophini tribe.

= Saurolophus morrisi PRIETO-MARQUEZ & WAGNER, 2013
Etymology: In honor of paleontologist William J. Morris (1923-2000), in recognition of his substantial contributions to our understanding of the funcional morphology and evolutionary history of hadrosaurid dinosaurs of the Pacific coast and Western Interior of North America.

Holotype: LACM 2852

Locality: LACM Locality CIT 357, Tumey Hills, Panoche Hills, Fresno County, California.

Horizon: Marca Member, Moreno Formation, Rosario Group.


Age: Upper Maastrichtian Stage, Upper Senonian Subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: Right dentary without post-coronoid section or teeth, teeth, right predentary, right premaxilla, right maxilla, right jugal, right quadrate, left squasmosal, right quadratojugal, right portion of postorbital and frontal (?), cervical, caudal vertebrae, right scapula missing antero ventrally portion, right and left coracoid missing dorsal borders, left humerus missing both ends, distal foot of ischium.

Note: This specimen has been unofficially called Prosaurolophus paulingi.

Augustynolophus morrisi (modified from PRIETO-MARQUEZ, et al., 2014), Holotype: LACM 2852.

Reconstruction of the skeleton.

Referred material:?


Locality: LACM locality CIT 336, 36°40'21"N, 120°42'42"E, Panoche Hills, Fresno County, California.

Horizon: Marca Member, Moreno Formation, Rosario Group.


Age: Upper Maastrichtian Stage, Upper Senonian Subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


LACM 2760: Skull roof, including distal nasals, frontals, parietals, partial squamosals, partial postorbitals, prootics, supraoccipital and fragmentary exoccipitals, both maxillae, right quadrate, left and posterior half of right dentary, partial surangular and angular, various isolated dentary teeth, right coracoid, partial left scapula, left humerus, distal end of right humerus, proximal regions of both ulnae and radii, fragments of right fibula, left metatarsal III and various fragmentary manual and pedal elements of a juvenile.