Genus: Bactrosaurus GILMORE, 1933
Etymology: Greek, baktros, “staff, club”, and Greek, sauros, “lizard”: “Club (spined) lizard”.
= Batractosaurus HALSTEAD, 1975 (sic)

Species: johnstoni GILMORE, 1933
Etymology: In reference to the "Johnson's Quarry" in the field notes to be "mostly trachdont types, also portions of a crocodilespecimen", Inner Mongolia (Nei Mongolia), China.

Holotype: AMNH 6553

Locality: Johnson's Quarry, 8 miles east of Iren Dabasu telegraph Station, Iren Dabasu, near Erenhot, Inner Mongolia (Nei Mongolia), China.

Horizon: Iren Dabasu Formation.


Age: Cenomanian Stage, Upper Gallic Subepoch, Lowermost Gulf Epoch, Middle Cretaceous.

Material: Dentary, maxillary, portion of skull, 10 dorsal vertebrae, 7 sacrals, 36 caudals, left scapula, left sternal, both pubes, both ischia, left femur, fibula, complete left pes and part of right.

AMNH 6553

PIN 25459/1.

Bactrosaurus johnstoni (after GODEFROIT, DONG, BULTYNCK, LI, & FENG, 1998), composite skull.

Referred material:

AMNH 6353: Right dentary.

AMNH 6365: Posterior portion of skull.

AMNH 6366: Posterior portion of skull, with braincase.

Another fragmentary posterior portion of skull.

AMNH 6370: Right exoccipital of a juvenile.

AMNH 6372: Predentary.

AMNH 6577: 3 anterior dorsals, left ilium.

AMNH 6373: Right jugal.

AMNH 6379: Right jugal.

AMNH 6380: Left dentary.

AMNH 6384: Left quadrate.

AMNH 6386: Right quadrate.

AMNH 6389: Right maxilla.

AMNH 6391: Left maxilla.

AMNH 6396: Left jugal.

AMNH 6397: Left jugal.

AMNH 6501: Right premaxilla.

AMNH 6575: Left and right premaxillae.

AMNH 6581: Right dentary.

AMNH 6584: Left prefrontal.

AMNH 6586: Right prefrontal.

AMNH 6587: Right prefrontal.

Number: Not given: Ischium, feet and limb bones of juveniles.


Locality: Site K, Iren Dabasu, near Erenhot, Inner Mongolia (Nei Mongolia), China.

Horizon: Iren Dabasu Formation.


Age: Cenomanian Stage, Upper Gallic Subepoch, Lowermost Gulf Epoch, Middle Cretaceous.


Number: Not given:



Locality: Locality SBDE 95E5, about 16km NE of Erenhot and 7 km East of the small salt plant Iren Nor, N 43?44.442’ E 112?10.723, indicate that the locality is very close to the AMNH locality (“Quarry”) 140 and within a km distance from AMNH 141, the type locality of Bactrosaurus johnsoni, Inner Mongolia (Nei Mongolia), China.

Horizon: Iren Dabasu Formation.


Age: Cenomanian Stage, Upper Gallic Subepoch, Lowermost Gulf Epoch, Middle Cretaceous.



SBDE 95E5/1: Basioccipital.

SBDE 95E5/2: Parietal.

SBDE 95E5/3: Left frontal.

SBDE 95E5/4-4bis: Premaxillae.

SBDE 95E5/5: Left maxilla.

SBDE 95E5/6: Left nasal.

SBDE 95E5/7: Left jugal.

SBDE 95E5/8: Right quadrate.

SBDE 95E5/9: Right squamosal.

SBDE 95E5/10: Left lachrymal.

SBDE 95E5/11: Right prefrontal.

SBDE 95E5/12: Left dentary and teeth.

SBDE 95E5/13: Right surangular.

SBDE 95E5/14: Axis.

SBDE 95E5/15-17: Cervical vertebrae.

SBDE 95E5/18-19: Dorsal vertebrae.

SBDE 95E5/20-21: Caudal vertebrae.

SBDE 95E5/22: Right coracoid.

SBDE 95E5/23: Left sternal.

SBDE 95E5/24: Right humerus.

SBDE 95E5/25: Right ilium.

SBDE 95E5/26: Right ischium.

SBDE 95E5/27: Left pubis.

SBDE 95E5/28: Distal caudal vertebra.

SBDE 95E5/29: Supraoccipital.

SBDE 95E5/30: Partial braincase.

SBDE 95E5/31: Right maxilla.

SBDE 95E5/32: Left jugal.

SBDE 95E5/33: Right nasal.

SBDE 95E5/34: Right postorbital.

SBDE 95E5/35: Left supraorbital.

SBDE 95E5/36: Predentary.

SBDE 95E5/37: Atlas.

SBDE 95E5/38: Dorsal vertebra.

SBDE 95E5/39: 2 sacaral vertebrae.

SBDE 95E5/41: Left dorsal rib.

SBDE 95E5/42: Left ulna.

SBDE 95E5/43: Left radius, right pubis.

SBDE 95E5/44: Right fibula.

SBDE 95E5/45: Proximal phalanx.

SBDE 95E5/46: Ungual phalanx.



Locality: Iren-Nor, Inner Mongolia (Nei Mongolia), China.



Age: Early Upper Cretaceous.


PIN 25459/1: Fragmentary skull.


YOUNG, 1958

Locality: Tanankou, Hsingyaokou, S of Tzoyun, North Shansi (Shanxi) Province, China.

Horizon: Tanankou Formation.


Age: Late Cretaceous.


IVPP V967: 25 nearly consecutive middle caudal vertebrae, a well-preserved right humerus and many other bones.


Species: prynadai RIABININ, 1937 (nomen dubium)
= Tanius prynadai (RIABININ, 1937) YOUNG, 1958 (nomen dubium)
= Bactrosaurus prinadai PRIZEMLIN, 1990, NESOV, 1995 (sic)

Holotype: PIN 32/5009, 33/5009, 31/5009

Locality: Kyrk-Kuduk in the region of the Alym-tau Range in the environs of the Sary-Agach railway-station, Kazakhstan.

Horizon: Darbazinskaya Svita.


Age: Cenomanian-Turonian Stage, Middle-Upper Gallic Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Middle-Early Late Cretaceous.

Material: Dentaries of the right and left sides, part of maxilla.

Referred material:

Top Left dentary; upper middle right dentary; bottom maxilla; lower middle 30/5009.

PIN 30/5009: Fragment of the anterior part of dentary.


RYAN, 1997

Locality: Republic of Tajikistan.

Horizon: Yalovach Formation.


Age: Late Cretaceous.


Number: Not given:


Species: kyzylkumensis (RIABININ, 1931) NESOV, 1995
Etymology: In reference to the desert Kysyl-kum, lower Amur-Daria River, Asian Russia.
= Cionodon kysylkumensis RIABININ, 1931 (nomen dubium)
= Cionodon kyslkumense RIABININ, 1931 (nomen dubium)
= Thespesius kyslkumensis (RIABININ, 1931) STEEL, 1969 (nomen dubium)
= Trachodon kyslkumense (RIABININ, 1931) KUHN, 1936 (nomen dubium)
= Gilmoreosaurus kysylkumense (RIABININ, referred material) NESOV, 1989 (nomen dubium)


Locality: Locality I, Kjira-Kuduk, about 50 km westward from Bukan-tau, central part of the desert Kysyl-kum, lower Amur-Daria River, Asian Russia.



Age: Upper Cenomanian or Lower Turonian Subepoch, Uppermiddle-Upper Gallic Subeopch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: Dorsal, caudal vertebrae (A), proximal end of right tibia (B), fragment of left dentary (C).

Referred material:


Locality: Heilongjiang Province, China.

Horizon: Tsagayanskiy Suite.


Age: ?Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


Number: Not given:

Lectotype: TsNIGR museum #1/3760

Locality: Dzhyrkuduk, central Kyzulkum Desert, Uzbekistan.

Horizon: Bissekt Formation, (Bissektivyskaya Svita).


Age: Coniacian Stage, Lower Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Early Late Cretaceous.

Material: Dorsal vertebra.

Referred material:

Locality: Site C1 14, Dzhyrkuduk, central Kyzulkum Desert, Uzbekistan.

Horizon: Lower Part of the Bissekty Formation, (formerly Taykarshi Beds).


Age: Late Turonian Stage, Subepoch Gallic Subepoch, Lower Early Cretaceous Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


No. 667: Maxilla.


Locality: Site CDZH-14, Dzhyrkuduk, central Kyzulkum Desert, Uzbekistan.

Horizon: Lower Part of the Bissekty Formation, (formerly Taykarshi Beds).


Age: Late Turonian Stage, Subepoch Gallic Subepoch, Lower Early Cretaceous Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


No 588, 589: 2 vertebrae.


Locality: Site CDZH-17, Dzhyrkuduk, central Kyzulkum Desert, Uzbekistan.

Horizon: Lower Part of the Bissekty Formation, (formerly Taykarshi Beds).


Age: Late Turonian Stage, Subepoch Gallic Subepoch, Lower Early Cretaceous Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


No. 192: Tooth.


Locality: Site CDZH-17a, Dzhyrkuduk, central Kyzulkum Desert, Uzbekistan.

Horizon: Lower Part of the Bissekty Formation, (formerly Taykarshi Beds).


Age: Late Turonian Stage, Subepoch Gallic Subepoch, Lower Early Cretaceous Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


No. 586: Vertebra.


Number: Not given: Maxilla, vertebrae, and a tooth.