Genus: Cedrorestes GILPIN, DiCROCE & CARPENTER, 2006
Etymology: The genus name Cedrorestes, meaning "Cedar Mountain dweller," referes
to the Cedar Mountain Formation in eastern Utah where the specimen was recovered.
Species: crichtoni GILPIN, DiCROCE & CARPENTER, 2006
Etymology: In honor of Michael Crichton for promoting the public's interest
in dinosaurs through his Jurassic Park novels.
= Genus: Nova GILPIN,
Holotype: DMNH 47994
Locality: Dave's Camp site, Grand County, Utah.
Horizon: Yellow Cat Member, Cedar Mountain Formation.
Age: Buffalogapian age, Barremian Stage, Lower Gallic Subepoch, Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Material: Fragments of several ribs of different sizes, fused sacrum, left ilium, preacetabular prcess of the right ilium, rigth tibia, right metatarsal III and ossified tendons.