Species: youngi ZHAO, CHENG & XU, 1999
Etymology: The specific name is in memory of the founder of vertebrate paleontology
in China, C. C. Young.
= Chaoyangosaurus liaosiensis ZHAO, 1985 (nomen nudum)
= Chaoyangosaurus liaosiensis ZHAO & CHENG,
1983 (nomen nudum)
Holotype: IGCAGS V371 (IVPP V11527?)
Locality: Chaoyang County, 43°02'N, 90°45'E, Western part of Liaoning Province, North China.
Horizon: Tuchengzi Formation.
Age: Middle or Late Jurassic.
Material: Fragmentary skull missing the dorsal part of the skull, nearly complete mandible, complete axis, an isolated cervical vertebra, and 5 articulated cervicals, a fragmentary humerus and scapula.