Species: chasei LOCKWOOD, MARTILL & MAIDMENT, 2024
Etymology: In honor of the late Mr Nick Chase, winner of the Palaeontological Association's Mary Anning Award in 2018, who made the initial discovery and through his lifetime contriuted enormously to the ollections at the Dinosaur Isle Museum, Isle of Withg, and the natural History Museum, London (Lockwood et al., 2019).
Holotype: IWCMS 2014.80
Locality: From a plant debris bed on National Trust proptery to the west of the fault in Compton Bay, and close (c. 50 m) to where IWCMS 2013.175 (a skeleton of Valdosaurus canaliculatus Galton, 1977), Isle of Wight County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Wessex Formation, Wealden Group.
Age: 'Middle' Barremian Stage, Lower Gallic Subepoch, Middle Early Cretaceous, Early Cretaceous.
Material: Right maxilla, right nasal fragment, both vomers, both quadrates, both squamosals, both prefrontals, both frontals, both posterorbitals, neucranium right dentary, left dentary fragments, left surangular, 1 loose dentary tooth, 8 opisthocoelous presacral vertebrae, cervical rib fragment, 15 dorsal vertebrae including the sacrodorsal, dorsal rib fragments, sacrum, 40 caudal vertebrae, 15 chevrons, right humerus, left radius, left ulna, left carpus, left metacarpals III and IV, right metacarpals II and V, both pollices, left digit II manual phalanx 1, unsided digit II manual phalanx 2, right digit IV manual phalanx 1, both ilia, both pubes, both ischia, left femur, both tibiae, both fibulae, both astragali, right metatarsal II, left metatarsals II, III and V, digit II, right pedal phalanx 1, left pedal phalanges 1 and 2, digit III, right pedal phalanx 4, left pedal phalanges 1-4, and digit IV, left pedal phalanges 1-4.
Comptonatus chasei modifed from LOCKWOOD, MARTILL & MAIDMENT, 2024.