Genus: Coronosaurus RYAN, EVANS, & SHEPARD, 2012
Etymology: Latin, corona, "crown," and Latinized Greek, sauros, "lizard,"
reference to the multiple occurrences of extra epiparietals that cover the posterior margin of the parietal, giving it a crown-like appearance.
Species: brinkmani (RYAN & RUSSELL,
= Centrosaurus brinkmani RYAN & RUSSELL, 2005
Etymology: In honor of Donald Brinkman, in
reference to his illuminating the
palaeoecology of the Late Cretaceous environment of Alberta.
= Species: Nova RYAN & RUSSELL, 2003
Holotype: RTMP 2002.68.1
Locality: Bone bed 138 (BB 138), Dinosaur Provincal Park, approximately 50 km from Brooks, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Lowermost Oldman Formation, middle Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: A large, adult-sized parietal with nearly complete midline bar and a partial posterior bar with left P1-3 and partially eroded right P1 and 2.
RTMP 92.30.41: A partial parietal with eroded parietal processes.
RTMP 99.82.1: A parital parietal wiht coalesced P1 and P2 processes.
RTMP 138.852: An adult-sized parietal parietal preserving P1-3, including one large unfused component of the P2 process.
RTMP 2002.68.3: A partial posterior parietal ramus that preserves most of the P1 and P2 processes and the posterior midline margin between them and the broken base for the left P1 and P2.
RTMP 2002.68.4: An isolated parietal preserving the left P1 and P2 ornamentation.
Coronosaurus brinkmani (modified from RYAN & RUSSELL, 2005) composite skull.
Referred material:
RTMP 138.09, 10, 12, 58, 162, 179, 273, 347, 395, 401, 418, 428, 429, 467, 469, 593, 612, 622, 634, 681, 782, 901, 920, 973, 446, 432, 443, 787, 789, 827, 895, 904, 926, 346, 684, 405: Limb elements.
RTMP 138.13, 533, 650, 672, 726, 800, 913, 935 (right), 960: Femora.
RTMP 138.18: Palatine.
RTMP 138.21, 145, 275: Right humerii.
RTMP 138.31surf, 45surf: Angular fragment.
RTMP 138.73surf, 939: Left frontals.
RTMP 138.97, 126, 402, 599, 756, 825, 834, 848, 710, 999.30, 2001.14: Left nasals.
RTMP 138.209, 579, 2001.5, 2001.9, 92.30.145: Right nasals.
RTMP 138.244: Palate?
RTMP 138.252, 818, 936, 998, 66surf, 136surf, 78surf, 64surf, 70surf, 97.62.33, 92.30.147: Nasals.
RTMP 97.62.42, 97.62.A: Nasal lateral.
RTMP 138.99: Right maxilla.
RTMP 138.419, 500, 934, 298: Left maxillae.
RTMP 138.949: Maxilla.
RTMP 138.100, 100a: Postorbital.
RTMP 138.370, 75surf: Right postorbital.
RTMP 138.715, 927: Left postorbital.
RTMP 138.181, 999.20, 1037, 125surf, 127surf: Predentaries.
RTMP 138.999.14: Prefrontal.
RTMP 138.210, 1047, 250, 554, 162surf, 97.62.115: Premaxilla.
RTMP 138.328, 434, 675, 959: Left premaxillae.
RTMP 138.907, 908, 927, 999.19, 92.30.151, 103: Right premaxillae.
RTMP 138.101, 474, 702, 267, 110, 390, 829, 415, 80, 450, 890: Ilia.
RTMP 138.591, 739: Left ilia.
RTMP 138.171, 738: Right ilia.
RTMP 138.103, 109, 157, 184, 331, 470, 511, 575, 805, 968, 102surf, 119surf, 120surf, 142surf, 88surf, 526, 751, 153surf, 86 surf, 149surf: Dentaries.
RTMP 138.107, 297, 606, 810, 119surf, 137surf, 145surf, 61surf, 436: Left dentaries.
RTMP 138.109surf: Epijugal?
RTMP 138.134, 597 (left), 2001.15, 619 (right), 379, 156, 343, 150, 35: Fublae.
RTMP 138.209, 272, 663, 674, 685, 695, 784, 791, 821, 864, 888, 946, 1046, 104surf, 105surf, 159surf, 178, 33 (L?), 131, 135, 225, 323, 492, 540, 545, 548, 673, 727, 746, 101surf, 108surf, 123surf, 151surf, 18surf, 23surf, 3surf, 42surf, 52surf, 72surf, 87surf, 652, 129surf, 131surf, 141surf, 329, 438, 659, 852, 866C, 542, 89surf, 203, 866, 1000, 10surf, 15surf, 2surf, 33surf, 91surf, 24surf, 468, 967, 106surf, 35surf, 39surf, 9surf, 2001.7: Parietals.
RTMP 138.317, 513, 987, 997, 51surf, 1surf: Parietal bars.
RTMP 138.420: Parietal P1+2.
RTMP 138.382, 115surf, 25surf, 57surf, 58surf, 60surf, 65surf, 67surf, 71surf, 92surf, 95surf, 49surf, 50surf, 54surf, 55surf, 56surf, 63surf, 94surf, 937, 999.08, 134surf, 392, 967: Parietal, prc.
RTMP 138.1066, 132surf, 7surf: Phalanges.
RTMP 138.94: Right phalanx.
RTMP 138.576, 980: Left phalanges.
RTMP 138.149, 376, 691, 928, 723, 124surf, 27surf, 43surf, 47surf, 59surf, 32surf, 53surf: Right dentaries.
RTMP 138.150, 1017, 1035, 130, 115: Frills.
RTMP 138.113, 168, 372-374, 381, 393, 453, 456, 462, 531, 553, 605, 654, 665, 671, 688, 799, 817, 831, 867, 873, 892, 922, 936, 965, 1026, 755, 598: Bones.
RTMP 138.147: Left coracoid.
RTMP 138.270: Coracoid.
RTMP 138.172, 138.439, 138.683, 138.111surf: Angulars.
RTMP 138.396, 138.802: ?
RTMP 138.102, 169, 808, 1911, 122surf: Braincases.
RTMP 138.582: Gastralia.
RTMP 138.843: ? +D132.
RTMP 138.128: Left ilium?
RTMP 138.230, 399, 350, 718, 837, 941, 1038: Left jugals.
RTMP 138.243, 427, 491, 493, 161Csurf, 46, 148surf, 133, 562, 771, 147surf, 161Asurf, 161Bsurf: Right jutals.
RTMP 138.160surf, 560, 983, 4surf, 703: Jugals.
RTMP 138.745, 811: Metpodials.
RTMP 138.984: Right palpebral.
RTMP 138.40surf: Left? palpebral.
RTMP 138.1048, 128, 592, 669, 670, 249: Ischia.
RTMP 138.124, 226, 413: Left pubi.
RMTP 138.744, 950, 1033: Pubi.
RTMP 138.788: Right quadrate.
RTMP 138.572, 90surf: Quadrates.
RTMP 138.567, 97.129.2, 97.62.185, 205, 238, 97.129.8: Right quadratojugal.
RTMP 138.572, 90surf, 97.62.208: Left quadratojugals.
RTMP 138.2001.12, 97.62.240: Radii.
RTMP 92.30.13, 97.62.67: Left radii.
RTMP 138.186, 290, 292, 293, 337, 337, 371, 407, 425, 448, 522, 627, 690, 767, 778, 824, 851, 868, 876, 880, 891, 905, 910, 915, 924, 932, 20, 22, 63, 90, 120, 155, 163, 165, 177, 191, 204, 205, 207, 229, 246, 248, 253, 270, 271, 279, 280, 336, 339, 344, 348, 351, 378, 398, 409, 412, 441, 447, 452, 476, 486, 487, 506, 515, 527, 529, 538, 580, 581, 584, 602, 603, 604, 615, 624, 626, 633, 648, 676, 677, 678, 680, 682, 692, 699, 711, 724, 790, 796, 801, 813, 823, 826, 828, 830, 839, 842, 856, 878, 893, 897, 898, 917, 919, 921, 953, 954, 974, 978, 979, 985, 988, 993, 996, 1001, 1003, 1025, 1064, 148, 231, 251, 686, 747, 933, 546, 731, 792, 809, 952, 12, 132, 173, 174, 175, 176, 193, 194, 195, 198, 199, 220, 227, 233, 264, 387, 401, 422, 423, 426, 433, 435, 440, 444, 457, 458, 461, 472, 477, 482, 483, 484, 490, 498, 504, 520, 528, 555, 561, 570, 571, 601, 616, 617, 628, 629, 637, 730, 732, 737, 738, 748, 836, 840, 855, 875, 881, 883, 884, 886, 918, 1061, 1073, 144surf, 356, 863, 488, 78, 256, 257, 260, 286, 324, 341, 471, 543, 549, 583, 586, 607, 613, 614, 689, 712, 719, 722, 733, 872, 283, 363, 814, 278, 151, 79, 539: Ribs fragmentary.
RTMP 138.59: Rib shaft.
RTMP 97.62.34: Midshaft of a rib.
RTMP 138.42, 190: Right cervical ribs.
RTMP 138.557: Left cervical rib.
RTMP 138.45, 497: Cervical ribs.
RTMP 138.595: Mid dorsal rib.
RTMP 97.62.256: Sacral rib.
RMTP 138.45, 573, 137, 97.62.151: Rostrals.
RTMP 138.411: Sacrum.
RTMP 138.104, 368, 377, 496, 642, 999.06, 92.30.139, 97.62.113: Left scapulae.
RTMP 92.30.154, 155: Right scapulae.
RTMP 138.125, 704, 705, 850, 1019, 1024, 17surf, 292, 688, 39: Scapulae.
RTMP 138.721: Scapula shaft.
RTMP 138.625, 725: Skull elements.
RTMP 111, 112, 129, 295, 534, 541, 608, 768, 865, 900, 906, 938, 947, 1002, 1010, 1036, 1050, 1060, 1062, 100surf, 112surf, 113surf, 114surf, 117surf, 118surf, 126surf, 12surf, 135surf, 138surf, 143surf, 146surf, 152surf, 19surf, 22surf, 69surf, 98surf, 99surf, 999.18, 88, 706, 795, 902, 1976, 618, 49: Skulls.
RTMP 97.62.17b: Partial skull.
RTMP 138.50, 92, 982, 46, 57, 89, 241, 30surf, 92.30.4, 97.62.247: Left squamosals.
RTMP 138.134, 240, 632, 41surf, 97.62.19, 38, 111, 92.30.180: Right squamosals.
RTMP 138. 144, 655, 693, 841, 943, 1004, 1069, 107surf, 121surf, 128surf, 139surf, 36surf, 48surf, 6surf, 80surf, 81surf, 82surf, 83surf, 84surf, 85surf, 13surf, 5surf, 37surf, 14surf, 21surf, 97.129.7, 9, 233, 119, 62: Squamosals.
RTMP 138.114, 335, 999.31: Sternal plates.
RTMP 138.242, 658, 139: Right supraorbital.
RTMP 138.550, 694, 1018: Left supraorbitals.
RTMP 138.100b, 106, 1059, 1005,1006: Supraorbitals.
RTMP 138.295: Left surangular.
RTMP 138.46surf: Right surangular.
RTMP 15, 54, 66, 397, 404, 735, 816, 894, 948, 986, 1039, 1049, 301, 342, 345, 394, 451, 696: Tibae.
RTMP 138.67: Left tibia.
RTMP 138.270, 2001.18: Right tibae.
RTMP 138.122: Distal tibia.
RTMP 138.17, 189, 291, 354, 357, 364, 463, 638, 775, 780, 116surf, 165surf, 569, 832, 700, 734, 664, 320: Teeth.
RTMP 138.623, 142, 245, 303, 391, 454, 558, 646, 783, 835, 838, 849, 868, 874, 914, 923, 995, 321, 334, 521, 20surf, 962, 992, 133surf, 939, 105, 4130surf, 879, 56, 228, 349, 437, 519, 577, 912, 916, 160, 254, 21, 164, 211, 212, 551, 594, 759, 951, 969, 976, 991, 41, 611, 999.12, 51, 1013, 1020, 1021, 11, 709 322: Vertebrae.
RTMP 138.16surf: Astragalus.
RTMP 138.79surf: Brancase.
RTMP 138.154surf: Ungual.
Locality: Milk River Ridge Reservoir BB1998 (MRR BB), near Warner, Warner County, Alberta Provine, Canada.
Horizon: Lowermost Oldman Formation, middle Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.
RTMP 2000.8, 2001.63: Angular.
RTMP 2, 2001 B07-6: Bones.
RTMP 251, 262, 97.62.99, 170: Braincases.
RTMP 437, 377, 369: Cervical ribs.
RTMP 268, 2001 B03-9, 2001 B07-1: Coracoids.
RTMP 92.30.21: Left coracoid.
RTMP 114, 403, 283, 97.62.26, 6: Left dentaries.
RTMP 280, 438, 270, 85, 209, 2000.2, 87.78.13, 97.62.133, 3, 79, 55, 92.30.152: Right dentaries.
RTMP 410, 318, 344, 371, 2001 61, 2001 B03-15, 405, 411, 128: Dentaries.
RTMP 128, , 138, 279, 284, 402, 2001.64: Left femora.
RTMP 341, 97.62.184, 92.30.11, 20: Right femora.
RTMP 2001.5, 2001. B04-5, 60, 416, 230, 240, 241, 92.30.40, 41, 97.62.235, 253, 71, 93, 153, 221, 88.119.1: Parietals.
RTMP 2000.11, 276: Parietal, midlinebar.
RTMP 2001.51, 12, 419, 2001.56, 12: Exoccipital parietals.
RTMP 335: Lateral parietal.
RTMP 78: Phalanx.
RTMP 155: Phalanx III-2.
RTMP 259: Phalanx, left? IV-3.
RTMP 122: Pedal phalanx.
RTMP 424: Left phalanx pedal II-1.
RTMP 86, 88.7, 224, 2001.6, 97.129.6, 92.78.5, 92.30.143, : Left postorbitals.
RTMP 2001 B-3-6, 2000.4: Right postorbitals.
RTMP 370, 2000.15, 2001.52, 2001.6, 103, 2000.3, 434, 2001.58, 2000.6, 87.78.15, 92.78.5: Postorbitals.
RTMP 414, 415, 11: Right postorbital horns.
RTMP 374, 374, 64, 235, 243, 179, 97.62.111: Predentaries.
RTMP 340B, 2001 B05-1, 2001 B06-3: Femora.
RTMP 132, 97.62.3, 114B: Fibulae.
RTMP 37, 329, 2001 B08-2: Frills.
RTMP 248: Frontal (?).
RTMP 3, 4, 83, 274, 2001.4: Humeri.
RTMP 92.30.5, 23, 40: Left humeri.
RTMP 254: Right ilium.
RTMP 280, 342, 398: Left ilia.
RTMP 2001 B04-3, 384, 166, 356, 2001 B03-13, 97.62.80, 215, 97.62.28: Ilia.
RTMP 2001 B03-2, 258: Ischia.
RTMP 271: Right jugal.
RTMP 14, 15, 238, 92.30.146, 90: Jugals.
RTMP 97.62.4: Left? jugal.
RTMP 1, 412, 361: Limb elements.
RTMP 2001.8, 2001.2, 97.62.4: Left maxillae.
RTMP 310: Metacarpel 1?
RTMP 230, 294, 92.30.156: Left ischia.
RTMP 97.62.13: Right ischium.
RTMP 425, 143: Premaxillae.
RTMP 126: Pubis?
RTMP 92.30.144: Pubis.
RTMP 228, 92.78.1: Right quadrates.
RTMP 13, 229: Quadrates.
RTMP 12: Right? quadrate head.
RTMP 229: Quadratojugal.
RTMP 362: Radius?
RTMP 78-82, 89, 90, 112, 130, 131, 137, 269, 272, 283, 289, 333, 347, 353, 355, 375, 380, 388, 399, 433, 448, 7, 183, 252, 443, 445, 266, 275, 2001 B03-10, B05-2, B06-1, B06-4, P06-5, B07-1, B07-3, B07-5, 76, 302, 97.62.109, 12, 69, 74, 97.62.114A, 248: Ribs.
RTMP 310: Rib shaft.
RTMP 266: Cervical rib.
RTMP 395, 2001.62, : Rostals.
RTMP 4: Left scapula.
RTMP 368: Right scapula.
RTMP 282, 369: Scapulae.
RTMP 98, 53, 94, 111, 341, 413, 2001.54, 2002.57, 253, 178, 158, 52, 298, 55, 237, 343, 2001.60: Skulls.
RTMP 54: Skull, nasal.
RTMP 408, 2000.7 2000.9, 62, 182, 225, 234, 285, 315, 348, 426, 431, 2001.3, 2001 B02-1, 86, 242, 260: Squamosals.
RTMP 391, 432: Left squamosals.
RTMP 446: Right surangular.
RMTP 285: Left surangular.
RTMP 366: Syncervical.
RTMP 376, 430, 442: Tendons.
RTMP 441: Right tibia.
RTMP 2001 B04-2, 92.30.19, 29, 97.62.23, 245, 92.30.30, 31: Tibia.
RTMP 227, 97.62.48, 115: Left tibiae.
RTMP 97.62.246: Shaft of a tibia?
RTMP 394, 87.78.14: Teeth.
RTMP 271: Ulna.
RTMP 133: Manual ungual.
RTMP 324: Left II-f ungual.
RTMP 250, 367, 340A, 286, 49, 157, 263, 307, 308, 321, 436, 2001 B03-1, 2001 B05-5, 2001 B04-1138, 233, 97.62.241, 208, 91, 237, 60, 162, 97.129.5, 97.62.132, 27, 88, 138: Vertebrae.
RTMP 32, 85, 354, 386, 359, 7, 8, 149, 258, 320, 397, 420, 2000.5, 417, 406, 3, 231, 2001 B06-8, 65312, 427, 143, 154, 72, 92.30.249, 85, 86, 140, 141, 149, 97.129.4, 97.62.167, 92.78.3, 97.129.3, 97.62.143, 88.119.6: Caudal vertebrae.
RTMP 75: ?Syncervical.
RTMP 146, 136, 138, 140, 281, 287, 288, 381, 397, 400, 401, 449, 91A, 91B, 2001 B07-4, 19, 28, 145, 311, 387, 418, 123, 97.62.21, 224, 242, 32, 241, 97.62.49: Dorsal vertebrae.
RTMP 18, 58, 444, 2001 B03-12, 9, 51, 99, 134, 232, 301: Neural arches.
RTMP 447: Sacral vertebra.
RTMP 159: Bone.
RTMP 63: Dentary.
RTMP 2000.12: Pedal phalanx III.
RTMP 97.62.152: Epijugal.
RTMP 97.62.36: Metatarsal.
RTMP 97.62.17: Nasal rostral.
RTMP 92.30.89, 148: Occipital condyles.
RTMP 97.62.14: Palate.
RTMP 97.62, 105: Left phalanx III-3?
RTMP 92.30.78: Right phalanx II-2.
RTMP 92.30.79, 81: Right phalanx III-3.
RTMP 92.30.142: Phalanx.
RTMP 92.30.82: Right phalanx I-1.
RTMP 92.30.83: Right phalanx II-2.
RTMP 92.30.80: Right phalanx III-1 (?).
RTMP 92.30.84: Left phalanx IV-4.
RTMP 92.62.25: Right? sternal plate.
RTMP 97.62.110: Frontal?
RTMP 97.62.15: Palate?
A) RTMP 98.12.69, right dorsal oblique view; B, C) RTMP 99.82.2, in dorsal (B) and lateral view (C).
A) ; RTMP 2002.68.10, postoribal in lateral and caudal view, B) RTMP 2002.68.5: Right posorbital in anteior view; C) RTMP 2002.68.12, right supraorbitals in laterial adn dorsal view; D) RTMP 2002.68.11: Right postorbital in left and medial view; E) RTMP 2002.68.13; Right supraorbitals in lateral and posterior view.
A) RTMP 2002.68.14, Parietal in caudal veiw; B) close-up; C)RTMP 99.82.1, parietals, close-up of parietal ornamentaion, and dorsal view; D) RTMP 92.30.41, parietal in ventral view; E) RTMP 2002.68.16, parietal in caudal view (Subadult); F) RTMP 2002.67.17 (Subadult) parietal in ventral view; G) RTMP 2002.68.3, parietal in dorsal view; H) RTMP 2002.68.1 (holotype), in close-up of left parietal processes, and doral view; I) RTMP 2002.68.4, barietal in caudal and ventral view.
Top RTMP 98.82.2, Bottom, RTMP 98.12.69.