Genus: Corythosaurus BROWN, 1914
Etymology: Greek, koryth-, “helmet, crown of the head”, and Greek,
sauros, “lizard”: “Helmet lizard”.
= Tetragonasaurus NAGAO, 1936 (sic)
= Tetragonosaurus PARKS, 1931 (sic)
= Tetragonosaurus PARKS, 1931
Etymology: Greek, tetrgonos, “four-cornered, rectangular”, and Greek, sauros, “lizard”: “square (head) lizard”.
Species: casuarius BROWN, 1914
Etymology: In reference to the Australian ground avian-theropod, the Cassowary. Because
Corythosaurus has a large helmet similar to the Cassowary.
= Hypacrosaurus casuarius (BROWN, 1914) PAUL, 1987
= Corythosaurus casuaris HUNT & LUCAS, 1992 (sic)
Holotype: AMNH 5240
Locality: Quarry 024, near Steveville, Red Deer River, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: 300 feet below top of formation, Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith
River Group.
Note: Old Belly River Member, Oldman Formation.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Skull, dentary and a nearly complete skeleton missing front legs with integument.
AMNH 5338
Locality: Quarry 111, A few miles from Steveville, Red Deer River, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: A nearly complete skeleton.
Referred material:
Locality: Quarry 150, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Legal Subdivision 13, Second 32, Tp 20 R11W, of the 4th Meridian, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
RTMP 1980.040.0001: A nearly complete skeleton lacking pelvis and tail, with skin impressions.
Note: Stomach contents.
Locality: U156, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
RTMP: Fragmentary skeleton.
Locality: U206, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
RTMP: Fragmentary skull and skeleton.
DANIS, 1986/HORNER, 1990
Locality: Quarry 115, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
ROM 1947: Skull and skeleton.
Locality: Dinosaur Provincial Park, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
ROM 870 (Formerly 5436):
RTMP 79.8.220: Maxilla.
Locality: Quarry 128, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
RTMP 80.23.4: Skull and skeleton.
Locality: Quarry 150, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
RTMP 80.40.1: Skull and skeleton.
Locality: Quarry 174, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
RTMP 82.37.1: Skull and skeleton.
Locality: Quarry 026, 2 miles south of Steveville, on the Red Deer River, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
USNM 15493: Complete articulated tail, pelvis, hind limbs and feet, with several patches of skin impressions and ossified tendons.
Note: With patholigies on mid-caudals 27-31 (Tanke & Rothschilds, 2014).
HEATON, 1972
Locality: Dinosaur Provincial Park, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
ROM 1933: Partially disarticulated skull.
EVANS, 2002
RTMP 82.37.01, 84.121.01, 97.12.232, CMN (NMC) 34825: Skulls of juvenile specimens.
RTMP 82.37.01.
RTMP 84.121.01.
CMN (NMC) 34825
HORNER, 1990
USNM 10309: Teeth.
LULL & WRIGHT, 1942Locality: 7 miles north of Jenner, near Steveville, Red Deer River, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
RTMP 84.121.1 (old CMN (NMC) 8532): Skull.
Locality: Quarry 005, Sand Hill Creek, near Steveville, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Red Deer River, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
SDNHM 2989: Skull, cervical, 30 other vertebrae, pelvic arches, sacrum, hind limbs, except 1 tibia, fibula and foot, scapula humerus, and radius.
SDNHM: A portion of tail with skin impressions.
McINTOSH, 1981Locality: Quarry 011, 11 miles southeast of Stevevile, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
CM 9461 (Cast of ROM 5856): Skeleton lacking only skull, mandible, tip of tail, left radius and both mani.
Locality: Quarry 082, near Steveville, Red Deer River, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
CM 11375: Top of skull.
CM 11376: Jaw.
CM 11377: Humerus.
PARKS, 1935
Locality: Quarry 030, 3 miles below Steveville on west side of Red Deer River, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
ROM 871 (formerly ROM 5857): Fragmentary skull.
= Corythosaurus? excavatus GILMORE, 1923 (Female)
Etymology: Latin, excavatus, "excavated, hollowed out."Holotype: UA 13
Locality: Sand Creek, Red Deer River, near Steveville, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Consists of the greater portion of a well-preserved skull, lachrymal, jugal, quadratojugal and quadrate.
After Gilmore, 1923
New interpertation.
Plesiotype: CMN (CMN (NMC)) 8676
Locality: Quarry 067, 3 miles south of the mouth of Little Sandhill Creek, 225 feet (aneroid) above the level of Red Deer River, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Skull and skeleton back to sacrum.
Referred material:
= Corythosaurus cf. intermedius cf. excavatus PARKS, 1935
Locality: Quarry 014, west side of Red Deer River, 1 mile above Happy Jack ferry and 200 feet above the river, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
ROM 845 (old GSC 5505): Fragmentary skull and fragmentary skeleton.
= Tetragonasaurus erectofrons PARKS, 1931 (Juvenile)
Etymology: Latin, erectus, "upright" and Latin, frons, "forehead."
= Procheneosaurus erectofrons (PARKS, 1931) LULL & WRIGHT, 1942 (Juvenile)Holotype: ROM 759 (old GSC 3578)
Locality: Unknown, 1 1/2 miles below the mouth of Sand Creek and 1/2 mile west of the Red Deer River, 75 feet above the river, near Steveville, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Skull and dentary.
Referred material:
Locality: Two Medicine River in the Black Feet Indian Reservation, Montana.
Horizon: Two Medicine Formation.
Age: Judithian age, Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.
AMNH 5461: Skull, 22 vertebrae, continuous form atlas, part of left scapula left humerus, part of left radius and ulna, left pubis and ischium, part of left hind limb.
AMNH 5469: Posterior dorsals, parts of tail, right ilium, pubis, ischium, right hind limb.
= Corythosaurus bicristatus PARKS, 1935 (Female)
Etymology: Latin, bi, "two" and Latin, cristatus, "crest."Holotype: ROM 868 (Formerly ROM 5852)
Locality: Quarry 040, 2 miles southwest of Stevevile, 1/2 mile west of Red Deer River, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Skull.
= Corythosaurus brevicristatus PARKS, 1935
Etymology: Latin, brevis, "short" and Latin, cristatus, "crest."Holotype: ROM 870 (old 5856)
Locality: Quarry 027, west side of Red Deer River, 3 miles below Steveville, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Skull.
Species: intermedius PARKS, 1923
(Once considered to ba a female)
= Stephanosaurus intermedius (PARKS,
1923) (Once considered to ba a female)
Etymology: Latin, intermedius, "intermediate.
Holotype: ROM 776 (old number 4670)
Locality: Quarry 013, 1 1/2 miles south of the Red Deer River, and 2 miles above Happy Jack Ferry at an elevation of 175 feet (aneroid), near Steveville, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Skull and skeleton.
Paratype: ROM 777 (old number 4671)
Locality: Quarry 015, 1 mile above Happy Jack ferry about a quarter mile south of the Red Deer River, at an elevation of 100-125 feet, near Steveville, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Fragmentary skull, ilium, a few dorsals, sacrum and caudals, fragments of ribs, and a femur.
Referred material:
Locality: Quarry 087, 3 1/2 miles southwest of the mouth of Berry Creek, sec. 20, T21N, R11W, Red Deer River, near Steveville, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
CMN (NMC) 8503: Nearly complete skull and much of the skeleton.
Locality: 1 mile above Happy Jack Ferry, west side of Red Deer River, 200 feet above river, near Steveville, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
CMN (NMC) 5505: Skull and skeleton.
Locality: Quarry 068, about 3 miles south of the mouth of the Little Sandhill Creek, 210 feet above (aneroid) from the level of the Red Deer River, near Steveville, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
CMN (CMN (NMC)) 8704: Skull and partial skeleton.
= Corythosaurus cf. intermedius DODSON, 1975Locality: Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
UA 19-21: Skull.
= Tetragonasaurus cranibrevis STERNBERG, 1935 (Juvenile)
Etymology: Latin, cranium, "skull" and Latin, brevis, "short."
= Procheneosaurus cranibrevis (STERNBERG, 1935) LULL & WRIGHT, 1942 (Juvenile)Holotype: CMN (NMC) 8633
Locality: Quarry 065, 2 1/2 miles south of the Berry creek, 140 feet above the Red Deer River, near Steveville, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Complete skull and jaws lacking predentary, left lachrymal, jugal, quadrate, quadratojugal and small bones of the left ramus.
Referred material:
CMN (NMC) 2-1936: