Genus: Dysalotosaurus VIRCHOW, 1919
Etymology: Greek, dysalotos, “difficult to be captured,” and Greek,
sauros, “lizard”: “Unmatchable lizard”.
= Dypsalotosaurus GALTON, 1973 (sic)
= Dysalatosaurus COLBERT, 1961 (sic)
= Dysalotasaurus OSTORM, 1970 (sic)
Species: lettowvorbecki (VIRCHOW, 1919) emend GALTON, 1977
Etymology: In honor of Paul Emil von Lettow-Vorbeck (20 March 1870 – 9 March 1964), also called the Lion of Africa (German: Löwe von Afrika).
= Dysalotosaurus lettow-vorbecki VIRCHOW,
= Dryosaurus lettowvorbecki (VIRCHOW,
1919) GALTON, 1977
Holotype: Humboldt Museum.
Locality: Quarry Ig NW of the Tendaguru Hill near the small settlement of Kindope, about 62 km NW of the port of Lindi, Tanzania.
Horizon: Middle Saurian Beds.
Biostratigraphy: Zone 2.
Age: Kimmeridgian Stage, uppermost Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Material: Skull and skeleton.
Referred material:
HMN dy A: Complete and disarticulated cranium.
dy B: Skull.
dy C, dy f:, dy 5, dy 6: fragmentary skulls.
dy D: Posterior portion of a skull.
dy 7: Left nasal.
dy 8: Left postfrontal, supraorbital.
dy 9: Left prefrontal.
dy 10: Left supraorbital.
dy 11: Prefrontal.
dy 12: Quadrate.
dy 13: Transversum.
dy 14: Right premaxilla.
dy 15: Predentary.
dy 16: Right supraangular.
dy 17: Supraangular.
dy 18: Right supraangular, angular
dy 19: Maxillary teeth.
dy 21-23: Atlas, intercentrums.
dy 27-31: Dorsal vertebrae.
dy 32: Ribs.
dy 34: Metacarpal.
dy 35: Right ischium.
dy 36: Right femur.
dy 37, UT 1495/14, UT/1523/13, UT/1523/18, UT/1523/19: Left femora.
dy 38: Right tibia.
dy 39: Left astragalus.
dy 40: Nearly complete right leg.
dy 41: Nearly complete right leg.
dy 42: Distal tarsals.
dy 44, 45: Tarsals.
dy 46, 47: Metatarsals.
dy I: 20 presacral, 3 sacral, fragmentary caudal vertebrae, ribs, right scapula, left scapula, right sternal plate, left humerus, left ulna, left radius, right pubis, fragmentary left ischium.
dy II: 9 presacral, 6 sacral, 8 caudal, haemapophyse, and ilium
dy III: 2 presacral, 6 sacral vertebrae.
dy IV: Caudal vertebrae.
dy V: 3 sacral, 6 caudal vertebrae, chevrons.
dy VI: Right hinterglidemasse.
dy V: Right pubis, right ischium, fibula, right pes.
dy V: Astragalus.
HMN (Mounted skeleton)
HMN WJ9027: Left tibiae.
UT 1495/9, UT/1523/11: Left ilia.
UT 1495/22: Left humerus, left ulna.
UT 1495/23: Left humerus, right ulna, right metacarpal? II.
UT/1523/1, UT/1523/3, UT/1523/4, UT/1523/6, UT/1523/7, UT/1523/8: Fragmentary ischium.
UT/1523/12: Fragmentary left ischium.
UT/1523/25: Left pes.
UT/1523/24: Left humerus.
BSPG AS 1 834: Juvenile skull.
MB.R.1617: Hemivertebra.
Note: Pathology, possibly from scoliosis.
MB.R.1336: Pathologic vertebra with paget disease.
Locality: Quarry Ig/Wj, Tendaguru Locality, Tanzania.
Horizon: Middle Saurian Beds.
Biostratigraphy: Zone 2.
Age: Kimmeridgian Stage, uppermost Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Bamboo corset "Ig 88": 4 vertebral centra, 1 distal femur, 1 distal humerus, several fragmentt of dorsal ribs.
Bamboo corset "Ig 122, 124, 366, 267, 269 270, 272, 276: More than 50 dorsal, sacral and caudal vertebral centra, 1 distal femur, 1 tibia in single parts, long bone shaft fragments.
Bamboo corset "Ig 133, 151, 152, 191": 3 femora of different sizes and 1 tibia.
Bamboo corset "Ig 189, 211, 213": 1 dentary fragment and other skull fragments, 1 dorsal rib shaft, 1 ischium, 1 tibia in 3 pieces and 2 proximal tibiae.
Bamboo corset "Ig 202, 203, 204, 212, 214, 231": 2 femora of different sizes, 1 tibia, 1 fibula, all bones broken in several pieces.
Bamboo corset "Ig 230": At lest 25 dorsal, sacral and caudal vertebral centra and dorsal rib fragments.
Bamboo corset "Ig 233, 270, 299, 306, 315, 321, 325, 326, 328": 1 femur, 1 tibia, 2 fibulae, 1 dorsal rib, 1 illium fragmnte and other undetermined long bone fragments.
Bamboo corset "Ig248, 249, 250, 253, 254: 1 femur, 1 tibia, 1 fibulae, 3 metatarsals all in fragments.
Bamboo corset"Ig 256, 262, 264, 273, 282: I femur, 2 proximal tibiae, 1 fibula, 1 metatarsal all broken.
Bamboo corset "Ig 277, 279, 284": Tibia.
Bamboo roset "Ig 281": 1 dentary fragment, 1 distal femur, 2 dorsal vertebra centa and undetermined bone fragments.
Bamboo corset "Ig 291, 291:" 1 femur in three parts and with sediment matrix and 1 small rib.
Bamboo corset "Ig 290, 300, 302, 302, 303, 304": 1 femur,2 fibulae, 1 metatarsal, 4 dorsal ribs and some undetermined long bone fragments.
Bamboo corset "Ig 305, 303, 307, 310, 317, 318, 319": 1 ilium (anterior part broken), 1 femur proximal, 1 tibia, 1 metatarsal, 2 dorsal ribs fragments and long bone fragments.
Bamboo corset "Ig 310, 311, 312, 313, 324": 2 femora (1 large, 1 small), 1 tibia and 5 metatrsals.
Bamboo corset "Ig320, 322, 329,344, 348, 349, 357, 358": 2 complete femora in parts, metapodial fragments, dorsal rib fragments and other unidentified bone fragments.
Bamboo corset "Ig 323, 327, 333, 334, 337, 341, 362, 364 (?)": Fragmetns of one ilium, 2 femora, 2 tibiae, 2 fibulae, all of tow different sizes adn 1 unidentified long bone.
Bamboo corset "Ig 329, 323, 362, 362, 363, 356": 1 caudal vertebral centrum, lots of small long bone fragments and ribs.
Bamboo corset "Ig 330, 339, 347, 349, 350, 351, 352, 356, 360, 346, 366": Small vertebrae, long bone fragments, and other flat bone fragments.
Bamboo corset "Ig 335, 336, 338, 368": 1 humerus, 1 femur, tibia and fibula all proximal and half, bone shaft fragments.
Bamboo corset "Ig 343, 346,354, 359, 366, 383":
Bamboo corset "Ig 379, 382, 383, 385, 386, 388": Ilium, ischium, 2 dorsal ribs, 2 femora (1 large, 1 small), 2 metatarsals and bone fragments.
Bamboo corset "Ig 400, 412, 482, 483, 485": 1 proximal femur, 1 ilium fragment, fragments of dorsal ribs and undetermined long bone fragments.
Bamboo corset "Ig 401, 415, 416, 417, 472, 475": 1 well preserved ilum, 1 proximal fibula, at least 2 metatarals and long bone fragments.
Bamboo corset "Ig 402, 403, 406, 413, 414": 2 femour in parts and 2 metatarsals in parts.
Bamboo corset "Ig 420, 439, 453, 512": 1 complete femur in pieces, 1 distal femur, 1 small tibia, 1 larger and 1 smaller part of proximal ischium.
Bamboo corset "Ig 425, 473, 476, 477, 484": 2 femora, at least 2 metatarsls, long bone fragments in large sediment slab.
Bamboo corset "Ig 428, 459, 501, 504, 506, 508, 509, 514, 520, 536": 1 ilium, at least 5 dorsal ribs (one of them complete), 1 humerus, 1 ulna and radius and 3 metapodium fragments.
Bamboo corset "Ig 440, 443, 444, 434, 432, 442:" 1 tibia in 4 pieces, 1 metatarsal in 5 pieces, 1 phalanx, 1 ilium fragment and undeterimend long bone.
Bamboo corset "Ig 446, 447, 448 , 450, 460, 467": 1 femur, 1 tibia in fragments at least 5 metatarsals N "autopoidial elements.
Bamboo corset "Ig 522, 527, 528, 539, 543, 544": 1 large tibia and fibula, 1 large ulna, 1 small tibia and fibula metatarsals and dorsal rib body.
Bamboo corset "Ig 537, 540, 547, 549, 562": At least 5 vertebral centra, 2 neural arches, 1 coracoid, 1 distal femur, metatarsal, and long bone fragments.
Bamboo corset "Ig 590, 597, 599, 603, 605": 3 tibiae in several parts.
Bamboo corset "Ig_NN1" (no Ig numbers outside): More than 30 single vertebral centra (dorsal, sacral and caudal region) and small long bone fragments.
Bamboo corset "Ig_NN2" (no Ig numbers outside): 1 sacral vertebral centrum, 37 other vertebral centra, and undetermined bone fragments.
Bamboo corset "Ig_NN3" (No Ig numbers outside): At least 55 vertebral centra, some of them from dorsal and caudal region, "phalnages, "small dorsal rib fragments and bone fragments.
Bamboo corset "Ig_NN4" (no Ig numbers outside): Estimateed 66 vertebra centra from dorsal and caudal regions.
Bamboo corset "Ig_NN5" (no Ig numbers outside): 1 femur in several parts, 1 tibia in parts and 2 metatarsals.
Bamboo corset "Ig_NNT" (no Ig numbers outside): 29 vertebra, some of them from sacral and caudal region, and small bone fragments in tin cans.
Crate "Ig_2011_1 (Ig 140 143, 156, 158, 165, 184, 208, 210, 215, 218, 221, 228: At least 1 femur, 2 tibiae, 2 fibulae, 2 metatarsals and other long bone fragments.
Crate Ig_2011, _2 (Ig 261): At least 2 femora, 1 fibula, 1 metatarsal, and other long bone fragments.
Crate Ig_2011_3 (Ig 1009): 3 femora in pieces.
Crate Ig_2011_4 (no Ig numbers outside): 1 complete dorsal vertebra, 1 fibula other long bones and vertebrae that cannot be visualized indivually.
Crate Ig_2011_5 (no Ig nubers outside): Sacral and dorsal verteral centra, 1 proximal femur, 1 metatarsal and few long bone fragments.
Crate G_2011_6 (no Ig numbers outside): 2 femora, 1 tibia and 1 fibula in pieces.