Species: becklesii OWEN, 1861
Etymology: In honor of Samuel Husbands Beckles (12 April 1814 in Barbados – 4 September 1890 in Hastings) was a Bajan/English 19th-century lawyer, turned dinosaur hunter,
= Echinodon becclesii OWEN, 1861 (sic)
= Echinodon becklessii GALTON, 1978 (sic)
Lectotypes: NHMUK OR (old BMNH) 48209, 48211
Locality: High up the cliff at Durlston Bay, near Swanage, Isle of Purbeck, Dorset County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Lulworth beds, Middle Purbeckian.
Age: Berriasian Stage, Lower Neocomian Subepoch, Lower Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
NHMUK OR (old BMNH) 48209 (Incorrectly mentioned as BMNH 48390 by GALTON, 1978): Left and right premaxillae, anterior part of left maxilla, natural molds of posterior part of maxilla and several maxillary and dentary teeth.
NHMUK OR (old BMNH) 48211 (incorrectly listed by BMNH R 48210 by SERENO, 1991): Posterior
part of left maxilla, left pterygoid, ?jugal and ?Palatine.
Note: Both specimens pertain to the same individual.
NHMUK OR (old BMNH) 48211 (incorrectly listed as BMNH R 48211by SERENO, 1991): Partial right maxilla, lachrymal and palatine.
NHMUK OR (old BMNH) 48212: Partial right maxilla.
NHMUK OR (old BMNH) 48213: Portion of a left dentary with teeth.
NHMUK OR (old BMNH) 48214: Fragmentary right dentary with imperfect teeth.
NHMUK OR (old BMNH) 48215a: Right dentary.
NHMUK OR (old BMNH) 48215b: Left dentary.
NHMUK OR (old BMNH) 48215c: Plaster cast of original block.
NHMUK OR (old BMNH) 48215: Showing a natural mold of a tooth-bearing bone.