Genus: Einiosaurus SAMPSON, 1995
= Einiosaurus SAMPSON, 1993 (nomen nudum)
Etymology: Blackfeet Indian, eini, "buffalo" and Latinized Greek, sauros, "lizard," pronounced “eye-knee-o-saurus. The generic name honors the Blackfeet
tribe on whose land the fossils were found, and refers to the contention that
ceratopsids were the buffalo of the Cretaceous, living in large herds, and
possessing relatively complex social organizations.
Species: procurvicornis SAMPSON, 1995
= Einiosaurus procurvicornis SAMPSON, 1993 (nomen nudum)
Etymology: Latin, Pro, "forward," and Latin, curvus, "curve," and Greek,
cornu, "horn," meaning “forward-curving horn”.
Holotype: MOR 456-8-9-1
Locality: Canyon Bonebed (CBB), Landslide Butte Field Area, approximately 42 km northwest of Cut Bank, Glacier County, Montana.
Horizon: Two Medicine Formation.
Age: Judithian age, Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Incomplete skull with nasal horn, supraorbital regions and partial paritial.
Referred material:
MOR 456 skull #2: Maxilla, nasal, lachrymal, prefrontal, postorbital, jugal, squamosal, parietal.
MOR 456: 2 additional adult skulls plus cranial and postcranial elements of various age classes.
MOR 456 8-2-4-2: Left premaxilla.
MOR 456 8-29-7-1: Left maxilla.
MOR 456 w/8-18-6-1, 456-8-19-7-6, 456-8-14-6-8: Maxillae.
MOR 456-8-29-7-3, MOR 456 8-9-6-1: Co-ossified nasals.
MOR 456-8-9-6-1, 456-8-8-7-1, 456-8-13-7-5: Nasal.
MOR 456-001: Small palpebral.
MOR 456-002: Left palpebral.
MOR 456 8-9-7-3: Left sub-adult postorbital.
MOR 456-8-10-6-5, 456-8-12-6-5, 456 w/sk: Premaxillae.
MOR 456-8-9-6-1: Left and right lachrymals.
MOR 456-8-8-7-1: Left and right lachrymals.
MOR 456-8-9-6-1, 456-8-8-7-1: Prefrontal.
MOR 456-8-9-6-1: Left and right postorbital.
MOR 456-8-8-6-1: Left and right postorbital.
MOR 456 TM-046: Postorbital.
MOR 456-8-9-6-1, 456-7-9-7-1: Jugals.
MOR 456-8-8-7-1: Epijugal.
MOR 456-8-22-7-2: Quadratojugal.
MOR 456-8-9-6-1: Left and right squamosal.
MOR 456-8-8-6-1, 456-8-16-6-7, 456 w/8-10-6-4, 456-8-16-6-2: Squamosals.
MOR 456-8-13-7-9: Juvenile squamosal.
MOR 456-8-9-6-1, 456 skull 2, 456-8-16-6-8, 456-8-14-6-4, 456-8-14-6-4, 456-8-27-7-16, 456 B2-100: Parietals.
MOR 456-8-8-6-1: Epoccipital.
MOR 456-8-8-7-1, 456-7-25-7-1, 456-8-8-7-6, 456-8-13-7-6, 456-8-27-7-14, 456-8-10-6-1: Quadrate.
MOR 456-8-9-6-1, 456-8-8-7-1, 456-8-17-6-2, 456-8-13-7-13, 456-8-10-7-8, 456-003: Braincases.
MOR 456-8-13-7-13, 456-8-17-6-2, 456-003, 456-8-10-7-8: Basiocciptal.
MOR 456-8-9-6-1, 456 skull 2, 456-8-8-7-1: Basiocciptal.
MOR 456-8-29-7-2, 456-8-14-6-2: Predentary.
MOR 456-8-22-7-3: Surangular.
MOR 456 8-27-87-1: Extra foramen, puckered lesion (TANKE & FARKE, 2006)
Note: Some of the orbital horncores (bosses) have pitting from resorption pits.WILSON & SCANNELLA, 2021
MOR 456 8-8-87-1: An articulated partial suabdult skull; skull roof, paired nasals, larimals, palpebrals, palpebrals, postorbitals, frontals, and the complete left jugal, epijugal, quadreatojugal, squamosal and partial left lateral parietal bar.
Locality: Dino Ridge quarry (DRQ), also locality at Landslide Butte Field Area, about 2 km from CBB, Glacier County, Montana.
Horizon: Two Medicine Formation.
Age: Judithian age, Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.
MOR 373: Specimens from DRQ include over 200 dissociated cranial and postcranal elements from several age classes.
MOR 373-7-13-6-2, 373-7-15-6-1, 373-7-26-7-1: Rostrals.
MOR 373-8-20-6-17, 373 w/7-15-6-8, 373-8-11-6-6, 373-8-20-6-2, 373 w/8-20-6-11: Premaxillae.
MOR 373 7-15-6-16: A juvenile nasal.
MOR 373 7-6-6-9: Adult nasal (?)
MOR 373 8-20-6-14: Adult nasal.
MOR 373-7-15-6-16, 373 DR-85: Nasals.
MOR 373-7-1-6-3, 373-7-28-6-1, 373-8-20-6-3, 373-6-3-6-9, 373-8-2-7-7, 373-7-28-6-2, 373-7-13-6-4: Maxillae.
MOR 373 6-30-6-18: Left prefrontal.
MOR 373 8-20-6-11: Right postorbital.
MOR 373-6-24-6-4, 373-8-20-6-11, 373-8-3-7-2, 373-6-26-6-13, 373-6-28-6-5, 373-6-26-6-8: Postorbital.
MOR 373-8-3-7-3: Frontal.
MOR 373-7-9-7-1: Partial jugal.
MOR 373-8-7-6-7, 373-8-16-6-4: Partial quadratojugals.
MOR 373-7-12-6-4, 373-8-2-7-6, 373-8-20-6-15, 373-7-24-6-2, 373-6-23-6-1, 373 w/8-4-6-7, 373-8-5-6-11, 373-6-30-6-16: Squamosals.
MOR 373-7-9-7-1, 373-7-12-7-1, 373-7-7-6-1, 373-8-6-6-3, 373-7-23-7-6, 373-001, 373-8-7-6-17: Parietals.
MOR 373-7-1-6-6, 373-8-20-6-12: Quadrate.
MOR 373-8-10-6-3: Adult pterygoid.
MOR 373-6-23-6-8: Juvenile quadrate.
MOR 373-8-4-6-10, 373-7-9-7-15: Brain case.
MOR 373-7-6-6-11, 373-8-4-6-10, 373-7-9-7-15: Basioccipital.
MOR 373-8-10-6-1, 373-7-28-6-4, 373-8-18-6-1, 373-8-20-6-5, 373-7-9-7-5, 373-7-28-6-15: Predentarries.
MOR 373-7-15-6-13, 373-8-20-6-11, 373-8-9-7-3, 373-7-27-7-2, 373-8-4-6-8, 373-7-12-7-1, 373-002: Dentary.
MOR 373-7-14-7-24, 373-7-31-6-9: Surangulars.
MOR 373-8-14-6-1: Angular.