Species: elucidans ISHIKAWA, TSUIHIJI & MANABE, 2023
Etymology: Latin, elucido, "to elucidate", because the holoytpe can provice much insights to ceratopsid osteology including often overlooked elements due to the superb and disaticualted mode of preservation of most bones.
Holotype: NSM PV 24660
Locality: Triebold's "12-020" Site, approximately 7 km NW of teh town of Winifred, Fergus County, Montana.
Note: Detailed locality data are filed at National Museum of Nature and Science and available for qualified researchers.
Horizon: Upper Coal Ridge Member, Judith River Formation.
Age: Judithian Stage, Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Fragmentary skull and partial skeleton, the left side is more complete than the right side.
Skull of Furcatoceratops elucidans after ISHIKAWA, TSUIHIJI & MANABE, 2023