Genus: Gasparinisaura CORIA & SALGADO, 1996
Etymology: In honor of Dr. Zulma B. De Gasparini, for her contribution to the study of Mesozoic reptiles in Patagonia, Greek, saura, feminine, “lizard”: Gasparini’s lizard
= Gasparinisaura (nomen nudum) CORIA & SALGADO, 1993

Species: cincosaltensis CORIA & SALGADO, 1996
Etymology: In reference to Cinco Saltos City, northwestern Rio Negro Province, Patagonia, Argentina, where the holotype was found.

Holotype: MUCPv-208

Locality: 2 km southeast of Cinco Saltos City, northwestern Rio Negro Province, Patagonia, Argentina.

Horizon: Anacleto Member, Rio Colorado Formation.


Age: Coloradoan Tetrapoda Assemblage, Age: Santonian-Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: Almost complete skull with atlas, and axis in articulation, sacrum, pectoral, and pelvic girdles, humeri without distal ends, and almost complete hind limbs.

Note: Has gastroliths.


MUCPv-212: Almost complete, articulated tail, distal end of both tibiae, and proximal ends of both metatarsals.


MUCPv-213: Dentary, posterior dorsal vertebra; last dorsal, dorso sacral, and the first sacral vertebra in articulation; isolated sacral vertebra; incomplete humeri articulated with both radii and ulnae; incomplete right ilium; incomplete left pubis; incomplete right femur; distal portion of tibia and fibula articulated with astragalus and calcaneum; proximal ends of right metatarsals articulated with distal tarsals; and several undeterminable fragmentary bones.

MUCPv-214: 5 incomplete dorsal vertebrae; 3 caudal centra; proximal extremity of left femur; distal extremity of right femur, proximal region of right tibia; distal extremity of left tibia; distal end of right tibia articulated to distal end of fibula; right astragalus and calcaneum; proximal end of right metatarsals articulated to distal tarsals 1 and 2; and undeterminable appendicular fragments.

MUCPv-215: 2 dorsal vertebrae; fragmentary sacral vertebra; 4 caudal centra; distal extremity of radius; distal end of right femur; proximal end of right tibia; distal end of right tibia; distal extremity of phalanx; and fragmentary appendicular bones.

MUCPv-216: Proximal region of a right tibia.

MUCPv-217: Proximal region of a left tibia.

MUCPv-218: Fragmentary vertebral centra and undeterminable fragments; proximal region of metatarsal; distal end of tibia: phalanges.

MUCPv-226: Distal region of right femur and proximal end of both tibiae.

MUCPv-227: 2 caudal vertebrae sheathed in ossified tendons.

MUCPv-225: Distal end of a left femur.

MCS-1: Nearly complete tail and part of the pelvis.

MCS-2: Right tibia and fibula with complete pes and part of left pes.

MCS-3: A complete sacrum (last dorsal, a dorsosacral, and 4 true sacrals); 2 caudals; both ilia; partial femora and right tibia; right astragalus and fibula; partial right ischium; partial left pubis; and proximal portion of left metatarsals.

CERDA, 2006, 2008

MUCPv-111: An almost complete specimen missing only the skull and distal tail.

MUCPv-112: Skull, several dorsal and caudal vertebrae and the pelvic girdle in articulation with both hind limbs.

Note: Both specimens have gastroliths.